#!/usr/bin/perl # # System Interface Library for games # Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Andrew Church # Released under the GNU GPL version 3 or later; NO WARRANTY is provided. # See the file COPYING.txt for details. # # tools/cov-html.pl: Read coverage analysis output and generate a set of # HTML files (inspired by LCOV's genhtml output) showing code coverage for # each source file. If no input file is specified, the script reads from # standard input. # # Usage: # cov-html.pl [options] [coverage.out] # # Options: # --outdir=/output/dir # Write output files under the given directory. The default is to # write to the subdirectory "coverage" in the current directory. # use strict; use warnings; my $DEFAULT_UNREACHABLE_REGEX = '(//\s*NOTREACHED|^\s*UNREACHABLE;)$'; ########################################################################### ########################################################################### my $output_path = "coverage"; my $unreachable_regex = $DEFAULT_UNREACHABLE_REGEX; while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) { if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-+h/) { die "Usage: $0 [options] files...\n" . " --outdir=PATH: Set the top directory for output files\n" . " (default: \"coverage\")\n" . " --unreachable-regex=REGEX: Treat lines matching REGEX as unreachable\n" . " (default: $DEFAULT_UNREACHABLE_REGEX)\n"; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ s/^--outdir=//) { $output_path = $ARGV[0]; shift @ARGV; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ s/^--unreachable-regex=//) { $unreachable_regex = $ARGV[0]; shift @ARGV; } else { die "Unknown option: $ARGV[0]\n"; } } my %sources; my $infile; local *F; if (@ARGV) { $infile = $ARGV[0]; open F, "<$infile" or die "$infile: $!\n"; } else { $infile = "standard input"; open F, "<-" or die "standard input: $!\n"; } if ( !~ /^COV-MERGED\s*$/) { die "$infile:$.: invalid header line\n"; } while (my $line = ) { chomp $line; my ($source, $linenum, $count, $branches, $taken, $text) = split(/:/, $line, 6); if ($text =~ m|$unreachable_regex|) { $branches = $taken = 0; # Don't show branch data on unreachable lines. } $source =~ s/\\([0-9A-F][0-9A-F])/chr(hex($1))/eg; $count = undef if $count eq ""; my $partial = 0; $partial = 1 if defined($count) && $count =~ s/\*$//; # GCC 8+ indicator that the line contains unexecuted basic blocks. if (!defined($sources{$source})) { $sources{$source} = []; } if (!defined($sources{$source}[$linenum])) { $sources{$source}[$linenum] = [$count, $partial, [$branches, $taken], $text]; } else { if ($text ne $sources{$source}[$linenum][2]) { die "$infile:$.: Text mismatch on $source:$linenum: old=[$sources{$source}[$linenum][2]] new=[$text]\n"; } $sources{$source}[$linenum][0] += $count if defined($count); $sources{$source}[$linenum][1] = 0 if !$partial; $sources{$source}[$linenum][2][0] += $branches; $sources{$source}[$linenum][2][1] += $taken; } } my %dirs = (); foreach my $source (keys(%sources)) { my @path = split('/', $source); my $dir_ref = \%dirs; for (my $i = 0; $i+1 < @path; $i++) { $dir_ref->{$path[$i]} = {} if !defined($dir_ref->{$path[$i]}); $dir_ref->{$path[$i]}{$path[$i+1]} = undef if !exists($dir_ref->{$path[$i]}{$path[$i+1]}); $dir_ref = $dir_ref->{$path[$i]}; } } my %dir_coverage = (); foreach my $source (sort(keys(%sources))) { my @lines = @{$sources{$source}}; my %coverage = (lines_total => 0, lines_hit => 0, lines_unreachable => 0, lines_wrongly_reached => 0, branches_total => 0, branches_hit => 0); for (my $linenum = 1; $linenum < @lines; $linenum++) { my ($count, $partial, $branches, $text) = @{$lines[$linenum]}; if (defined($count)) { if ($text =~ /$unreachable_regex/) { $coverage{lines_unreachable}++; if ($count > 0) { $coverage{lines_wrongly_reached}++; } } else { $coverage{lines_total}++; if ($count > 0) { $coverage{lines_hit}++; } } } $coverage{branches_total} += $branches->[0]; $coverage{branches_hit} += $branches->[1]; } &write_source_html($source, \@lines, \%coverage); $dir_coverage{$source} = \%coverage; while ($source) { $source =~ s:/?[^/]*$::; $dir_coverage{$source} = {lines_total => 0, lines_hit => 0, lines_unreachable => 0, lines_wrongly_reached => 0} if !defined($dir_coverage{$source}); foreach my $key (keys(%coverage)) { $dir_coverage{$source}{$key} += $coverage{$key}; } } } &write_index_html("", \%dirs, \%dir_coverage, "style.css"); &mkdir_p($output_path); open F, ">$output_path/style.css" or die "$output_path/style.css: $!\n"; print F &style_css(); close F; exit 0; ########################################################################### sub write_source_html { my ($path, $lines, $coverage) = @_; my $dir = $path; $dir =~ s:/?[^/]*$::; &mkdir_p("$output_path/$dir"); my $stylesheet = $dir; $stylesheet =~ s:[^/]+:..:g; $stylesheet .= "/style.css"; my $lines_pct = &make_pct($coverage->{lines_hit}, $coverage->{lines_total}); my $branches_pct = &make_pct($coverage->{branches_hit}, $coverage->{branches_total}); open F, ">$output_path/$path.html" or die "$output_path/$path.html: $!\n"; print F < Code Coverage Report for $path

Code Coverage Report for $path

Hit Total Coverage
Lines: $coverage->{lines_hit} $coverage->{lines_total} $lines_pct
Branches: $coverage->{branches_hit} $coverage->{branches_total} $branches_pct
EOT if ($coverage->{lines_wrongly_reached}) { my ($lines, $were); if ($coverage->{lines_wrongly_reached} == 1) { $lines = "line"; $were = "was"; } else { $lines = "lines"; $were = "were"; } print F <WARNING: $coverage->{lines_wrongly_reached} $lines $were marked unreachable but $were reached anyway!

EOT } print F < EOT for (my $linenum = 1; $linenum < @$lines; $linenum++) { my ($count, $partial, $branches, $linetext) = @{$lines->[$linenum]}; my $class; if (!defined($count)) { $class = "no-code"; } elsif (!$count) { if ($linetext =~ /$unreachable_regex/) { $class = "no-code"; } else { $class = "not-hit"; } } else { if ($linetext =~ /$unreachable_regex/) { $class = "wrongly-reached"; } else { $class = "was-hit"; } } my $branch_span; if ($branches->[0]) { my $branch_class = ($branches->[1] < $branches->[0]) ? "branch-ng" : "branch-ok"; $branch_span = sprintf("%3s/%-3s", $branch_class, '(' . $branches->[1], $branches->[0] . ')'); } else { $branch_span = " "; } $linetext =~ s/&/&/g; $linetext =~ s//>/g; printf F "
%5d %s %s
\n", $class, $linenum, $branch_span, $linetext; } print F < EOT close F; } ########################################################################### sub write_index_html { my ($path, $dir_ref, $coverage_ref, $stylesheet) = @_; $path .= "/" if $path; my $real_path = "$output_path/$path"; &mkdir_p($real_path); open F, ">$real_path/index.html" or die "$path/index.html: $!\n"; my $have_wrongly_reached = 0; foreach my $file (keys(%$dir_ref)) { my $file_path = $path . $file; if ($coverage_ref->{$file_path}{lines_wrongly_reached} > 0) { $have_wrongly_reached = 1; last; } } print F < Code Coverage Report for $path*

Code Coverage Report for $path*

EOT if ($have_wrongly_reached) { print F <Unreachable
Lines Reached EOT } print F <Branches
EOT my @sorted_files = sort { my ($c, $d) = ($a, $b); $c =~ s|\.[^./]*$||; $d =~ s|\.[^./]*$||; return $c cmp $d || $a cmp $b; } keys(%$dir_ref); foreach my $file (@sorted_files) { my $file_path = $path . $file; my $displayed_file_path = $file_path; my $link_target; if (defined($dir_ref->{$file})) { $displayed_file_path .= "/"; $link_target = "$file/index.html"; } else { $link_target = "$file.html"; } my $lines_hit = $coverage_ref->{$file_path}{lines_hit}; my $lines_total = $coverage_ref->{$file_path}{lines_total}; my $lines_pct = &make_pct($lines_hit, $lines_total); my $lines_unreachable = $coverage_ref->{$file_path}{lines_unreachable}; my $lines_wrongly_reached = $coverage_ref->{$file_path}{lines_wrongly_reached}; my $branches_hit = $coverage_ref->{$file_path}{branches_hit}; my $branches_total = $coverage_ref->{$file_path}{branches_total}; my $branches_pct = &make_pct($branches_hit, $branches_total); print F < EOT if ($have_wrongly_reached) { my $class_extra = ($lines_wrongly_reached > 0) ? " wrongly-reached" : ""; print F <$lines_wrongly_reached EOT } print F <$branches_hit EOT } print F <
EOT close F; foreach my $dir (keys(%$dir_ref)) { if (defined($dir_ref->{$dir})) { &write_index_html($path . $dir, $dir_ref->{$dir}, $coverage_ref, "../$stylesheet"); } } } ########################################################################### sub make_pct { my ($numerator, $denominator) = @_; return "-----" if !$denominator; my $pct = int(1000 * $numerator / $denominator) / 10; # Don't return "0%" or "100%" unless the ratio is exactly that value. if ($pct == 0 && $numerator > 0) { $pct = 0.1; } elsif ($pct == 100 && $numerator < $denominator) { $pct = 99.9; } return sprintf("%.1f%%", $pct); } ########################################################################### sub mkdir_p { my ($dir) = @_; $dir =~ s:/+$::; return if -d $dir; my $parent = $dir; if ($parent =~ s:/[^/]*$:: && $parent ne "") { &mkdir_p($parent); } mkdir $dir, 0777 or die "mkdir($dir): $!"; } ########################################################################### sub style_css { return <<'EOT'; body {font-family: verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 9pt;} h1 {font-size: 150%; margin-top: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 0.5em; text-align: center;} table {border: 4px ridge gray; border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse;} th {border: 2px ridge gray; padding: 2px 5px;} td {border: 2px ridge gray; padding: 2px 5px;} td.merged-left {border-right: none; padding-right: 2px; text-align: right;} td.merged-center {border-left: none; padding-left: 2px; border-right: none; padding-right: 2px; text-align: center;} td.merged-right {border-left: none; padding-left: 2px; text-align: left;} div.code-line {font-family: monospace; font-size: 83%; white-space: pre;} .no-code {color: #808080;} .not-hit {background: #FFCCCC;} .was-hit {background: #CCFFCC;} .wrongly-reached {background: #FFCCFF;} span.branch-ok {color: #008000;} span.branch-ng {color: #CC0000; background: #FFCCCC;} EOT } ########################################################################### ###########################################################################
File/Directory Lines Line CoverageBranch Coverage
$displayed_file_path $lines_hit / $lines_total $lines_pct/ $lines_unreachable/ $branches_total $branches_pct