Time 5 Group 7: KupoCapers - The Three Moogleteers

Moogleteers Chapter 1: The Ballet Teacher

The Three Moogleteers were lost, but they could see a rising column of smoke in the distance. Kurune took the lead, standing tall the way Runic Knights were pictured in the legends; her Dragoon-aspiring brother Kurago stayed in step next to her; and her cousin Kulock maintained the rear of the group, claiming that it was a Thief-wise precaution.

They approached a run-down cottage that was the source of the wispy smoke. The cottage was in obvious disrepair: shingles had fallen from the roof and planted themselves in the ground; the chimney had collapsed on itself; and sooty scorch marks flanked one side of the structure.

But a makeshift pipe let smoke out through a hole in the roof, and there were other attempts to repair the cottage. "Well, what are we waiting for?" asked Kurune. She motioned to the other two Moogleteers to follow. She walked up to the door and knocked.

"Wait! I'm coming! Don't leave!" An old man swung open the door. "Are you the repair..." He hesitated, looked left, then right...


...then down. Upon seeing the Moogles the old man jumped back and slammed the door shut.

Kurune was taken aback. "I think we just scared him away," she said.

"It's Kurago's face, kupo!" Kulock chuckled. "It scares me just thinking about it."

"I'll give you something to laugh at!" Kurago pounced on his cousin, and they scuffled along the ground until Kurune intervened: "What's wrong with you two? You've made a mess of yourselves, kupo!"

Kulock choked down his laughter, "My apologies, m'lady."

"Yeah, lighten up, sis!" Kurago proceeded to retrieve his Dragon Horn, a DragoonBoot, and his helm back from Kulock's thieving hands.

"I'm just saying we're fully armed and that can be a bit intimidating to a helpless old man," said Kurune. She leaned her Pearl Lance against the wall, and waited for the other two to follow her example.

Kurago held onto his Aura Lance. "Lali, I'd rather run around naked than unarmed," he said. Kulock didn't say anything but didn't bother removing his Wing Edge from his side either.

"Fine, then, kupoppo!" Kurune turned to the door and knocked.

"Go away!" the old man barked.

"But we're lost and need dir..."

The old man started singing, and off key:

"I'M the darkness, YOU'RE the stars.

Our LOVE is brighter than the SUN."

He interrupted himself with, "I CAN'T HEAR YOU! I'M NOT LISTENING!" Then he continued:

"FOR eternity, for ME there can BE,

Only YOU, my chosen ONE..."

Kurago and Kulock covered their ears. Kurune raised her voice, "We're looking for the BALLET INSTRUCTOR! His name is DUNCAN!"

The old man stopped singing, then he yelled, "I am NOT a dance instructor! I am Duncan, martial artist and BLITZ master, and I no longer teach Moogles so... GO AWAY!"

Kurago could see his sister was getting nowhere. He pounded on the door and threw out his own challenge: "Oh, yeah? Well, I'm Kurago, Moogleteer and DRAGOON Extraordinare, and I don't want no ballet lesson so..."

"Kurago! Watch your manners!" Kurune chided. She returned to the door, "Please, Duncan, we're here to see the other Moogles, kupo! If you would tell them we're here..."

* * * *

There was no answer and no sound coming from inside the cottage.

Kulock grew impatient. He was bored, and this cottage certainly didn't have any treasure in it. He began pacing a circle and kicking up dirt. Kurune ignored her cousin and pressed her ears against the wooden door. "I don't hear anything," she remarked.

"I don't either," said Kurago. He kicked the door three times. "Open up, old man! Moogles need to go, too! On the count of three, I'm gonna hop on your roof and recycle down your chimney!"

"Kurago!" Kurune applied her door-knocking skills to the back of Kurago's helm *whack!* and pushed him off the step.

By this time, Kulock was really kicking up a little dust storm with his pacing: "Hey, guys, look at me! Chung! Chung! Magitek Armor!" He stopped in front of Kurune and gave a courtly bow. "M'lady, may I be of service?"

Kurune realized Duncan wasn't going to open the door from the inside, so she replied, "Yes. You may open this door for me."

"No, no! Kupo! What I *meant* was would you like a ride in my new Magitek Armor?" Kulock smiled.

"Don't be silly!" Kurune insisted. "Just the door will be fine."

"Kupoppo! It's not everyday you find a two-seater." Kulock hopped up beside Kurune on the step and turned the doorknob. It was locked! He opened his pouch instead and fished out a Gold Hairpin. "This will only take a second." He placed the Hairpin in the lock and wiggled it slightly. *Click!*

Kurune turned the knob and pushed, but the door stayed shut. She looked up and pointed: "You missed one, Sir Locksmith."

"That's Sir Kulock to you," said Kulock. "and that's a bolt-lock. I'll need some assistance to reach it." He addressed Kurago, "Kurago! Come over here for a moment, won't you?"

"What do you want?" asked Kurago. He was lying in a bed of flowers where Kurune had so rudely pushed him; watching cloud-shapes as they drifted overhead; and commenting to himself: "Those sure are nice clouds. Hee-he. They look so *real*!"

"I want you to make like a Chocobo," said Kulock.

"What?!" Kurago propped himself up.

"Make like a Chocobo, kupo!... So I can reach that lock."

Kurago rolled over onto his belly, scrambled upright, and began walking away from the house.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" asked Kulock.

"Make like a Chocobo, indeed! You just want to mash your dirty little paw prints all over my wings!" Kurago accused. He flexed his wings. "I'm gonna hop onto the roof..."

"Kurago!" cried Kurune.

"...and watch the clouds in some peace and quiet. OK, sis?" Kurago scratched the ground with his DragoonBoots and *jumped*.

* * * *

"I still can't reach the lock." Kulock was up on his tiptoes now.

"Kupoppo! You'd think they would train you to climb walls, or something," said Kurune. "Give me your hind paw. I'm perfectly capable of giving you a boost up!"

Kulock acquiesced and was promptly lifted up to eye-level with the bolt-lock. He withdrew a slightly-bent Mithril Knife from his leg sheath and jammed it into the lock. "Hee-he. This is where the real training comes in, kupo!" He twisted the knife.

"There he goes!" cried Kurago.

Kulock turned in time to see Kurago jump off the roof and chase after Duncan running into the distance. "Kupo!" Kulock jumped down and chased after his cousin chasing Duncan.

Kurune lost her balance and fell backwards. She recovered herself, grabbed her Pearl Lance, and joined the chase. "Kupo!"

Moogleteers Chapter 2: Duncan's Burden

Kurago hadn't gained any ground yet even as Duncan disappeared over the hill top. "Damn, the old geezer's fast," he thought.

Kurago ran onto the summit hoping to see where Duncan might have run off to. He scanned the base of the hill and saw Duncan twirling as shock waves of air slammed into half a dozen crawlers. One of the crawlers perished instantly.

"Lali-ho!" Kurago yelled. He really wanted to get some use out of his DragoonBoots. He started to run down the hill, then *jumped*!

* * * *

Even before Kulock could reach the crest of the hill, he saw his cousin's Moogle-form zip straight into the air. "Kupo!" He hurried on to the top where he could see Duncan facing off against a pack of crawlers. "Kupoppo!"

Kulock charged down the hill, but the crawlers ignored him and launched a *coordinated* step-mine attack. Blue magic shot skyward and struck Duncan one right after the other. Kulock unfastened his Wing Edge and let it loose on a slow crawler before it too could step-mine.

Kurune ran down the hillside, and Kurago began his descent; Kulock reached Duncan's side and caught his returning Wing Edge. The remaining crawlers took this opportunity to hit Duncan and Kurago with their feelers.

* * * *

When Kurago finally completed his jump, he crashed lance-first into one crawler, and with the aid of his Dragon Horn, skewered a second, and then a third crawler before returning to the others. That left only one crawler, which Duncan decidedly pounced on. "Suplex!"

"Remedy!" Kurune cried as she drained the toxins from Kulock's systems. She turned to Kurago whose nose was bleeding, "Kupo! Are you hurt?"

"Yeah, I think I might have jumped too high..." Kurago admitted.

"Cure1!" The bleeding stopped.

* * * *

Duncan finished his Suplex and slammed the last crawler into the ground.

"Kupo! Kupo!" Kulock applauded. He banged his Wing Edge against his shield.

"Kupo! Kupo!" Kurune chimed in.

"Bravo, Duncan, Bravo! That was a very moving performance," Kurago commented. They had never seen a live ballet before.

"It would have been just kupo! with the right music."

"I could even compose a few lines if you'd like," Kulock offered.

Duncan looked exhausted and was beginning to show his age. The step-mine attack had really taken its toll. Duncan dropped to one knee and started coughing. He pulled out a hankerchief and dabbed drops of blood from the corner of his mouth.

Kurune rushed to his side and cast "Remedy!" followed by "Cure1!" Duncan's breathing improved noticeably. He stood up and inhaled deeply. "Thank you, young lady, *cough*. Thank you all. These damned crawlers get bolder by the day."

"If it weren't for those crawlers, we might never have caught up to you. Why'd you run off like that, anyhow?" asked Kurago.

Duncan looked back towards his home. "It sounds silly now, but at the time, I thought you'd come to avenge your Moogle-friends."

"Avenge? Kupo. What happened to the other Moogles?"

* * * *

Duncan led the Three Moogleteers along a path in back of his house. Amidst a grove of trees, the path opened into a clearing. Kurune, Kurago, and Kulock walked up to the four graves where sharply-chiseled inscriptions spoke to the fragileness of life.

"It was a sad day. A sad, sad day," Duncan sighed. "And even now it hurts to remember." He stood before the granite markers for the longest time before he continued:

"It was in the middle of the night when all it started. The *loudest* crack of thunder you ever heard shook the entire house. I heard a commotion outside, and rushed out to see the Moogles fighting each other!

"At first I was *furious*. I ordered them to stop and take their positions. At least one of my pupils heard me; he shot an AuraBolt at me point blank! Then they all came at me!! They were all possessed and tore at me with such hate and anger... I was trying to break a Bum Rush when everything slowly faded into darkness.

"When I woke up, there were tears in my eyes, and I could hear a far-off sobbing in the air. It was early morning, and the sun was just rising. I made my way around the corner of the house.

"There I found two of the Moogles. One appeared to be sitting against a tree, but he was dead. The other was crying into his Moogle-friend's shoulder. He clutched one end of a Ribbon and was trying desperately to hold his friend's grip around loose end. I had to pull him away, I had to.

"I tried to restore his little body the best I could, but he wouldn't hold on. I could only comfort him as he just cried himself to sleep..." Duncan wiped the tears from his eyes. "This is their forest now. I come here to remember..."

The sun began to set and long shadows crawled along the graves. Kurune began to sob and Kurago swallowed hard. Kulock could only manage one word: "Kupo..."

* * * *

Duncan was planting a new garden when the Moogleteers approached. He looked them over and asked, "Where are you guys going?"

"We're going home, Duncan."


"Good luck on your garden."

"You're not leaving so soon, are you?" asked Duncan. "I thought you'd at least wait for the other Moogle to return."

"Kupo! Other Moogle?"

"Mog..." said Duncan. "He left the others here to train. I think he said something about Maranda and Jidoor..."

"Kupo! Maranda and Jidoor!"

Moogleteers Chapter 3: "I want to be a NINJA!"

Kurune had been practising her Rune exercises. She thought about Duncan and the fallen Moogles. Now she straightened the Ribbon that Duncan had given her and picked up her Pearl Lance. She walked across the boat's corridor to Kurago and Kulock's quarters and looked in. "Are you two ready, kupo?" she asked.

Kurago slipped on his DragoonBoots, and Kulock equipped his Thief Glove. They kept their Ribbons safely secured in their packs. They heard a commotion of activity above deck as the ferry pulled into the harbor.

"Next stop, MARANDA!" bellowed the captain. The Moogleteers climbed top side for their first look at the town. "Lali, looks like Mog's been through here alright," Kurago remarked. Kurune nodded, but Kulock just shrugged. Maranda was in as bad a shape as Duncan's house was when they had left.

The ferry docked, and they thanked the captain for his hospitality. He had refused their fair and *insisted* they would be his guest for the duration of the trip. Maybe Moogles *are* good luck; the boat ride had been uneventful except for sea stories from the good captain.

They stepped off the boat, waved to the captain, and marched into town. At almost every street corner, a restoration project was underway. Wood was sawed, nails were hammered. The pace was brisk.

* * * *

At the inn, Kurune walked up to the counter. The innkeeper asked, "Will you be staying the night?"

"Yes, thank you," answered Kurune.

"Don't mind the construction," the innkeeper apologized. "Most of the repair work on the inn is complete, and the detail work should be finished shortly."

"It is a beautiful inn..." Kurune began.

"Hey! You there!" The innkeeper interrupted Kurune mid-sentence, ran up to the carpenter, and started lecturing about time and GP and the gaping hole in the wall.

Kurago shook his head. "These people sure are busy. They really need to relax more. They need to *party*!" He opened the front door to the street, ready to rock the town. "Lali-..."

"Hold it!" Kurune caught her brother's arm. "I'll join you. Only we're gonna go look for Mog, kupo!"

"Ouch! Hard work must be contagious around here," Kurago whined. "And I was so sure Moogleteers had more fun than this."

Kurune ignored the pouting and asked Kulock, "Are you coming? There aren't many Moogles around these parts, and we're bound to find Mog soon."

"You two go on ahead." Kulock let out a monster yawn. "I'm just plain tuckered out."

Kurune stifled her own yawn. She saw that her cousin was serious. "Well, OK. Why don't you nap out for a while. Kurago and I will wake you for supper."

"And don't steal the towels..." Kurago jested.

Kurune dragged Kurago out of the lobby.

* * * *

Kulock entered his room and closed the door. He was tired and could have slept in full armor; he decided against it.

Kulock unstrapped his Wing Edge and pulled off his Thief Glove. He set down his helm and kicked off his boots. He walked into the bathroom, washed, brushed, and flushed. Before he finally pulled the covers over himself, he rested his Merit Award on the nightstand and slipped his Mithril Knife beneath his pillow.

As he drifted into slumber and the world washed away, visions of his Merit Award, his *White Chocobo* Merit Award, danced in his head:

<...As far back as he could remember, Kulock had wanted to be a Ninja. But all the Moogles thought this was just fun and games for an overactive imagination, and to his parents he was just the *cutest* thing. Only his cousins, Kurune and Kurago, took him seriously.

But Kulock wasn't getting any younger. He had stopped saying "kipi!" on his last birthday; he wasn't a baby Moogle anymore. Kulock decided he just couldn't wait any longer. Despite all the protests, he was going to leave his Moogle-home and become a ninja!

So for one very special day, Kurune stopped trying to wield her heavy Rune Edge, and Kurago managed not to jump up and down like a frog. As promised, they threw Kulock the *bestest* fairwell party ever...>


<..."No, I'm not a Ninja, but I've met one," said the stranger.


"Well, I haven't seen him in a while, but I still think I can help you. Here..." He handed the Moogle a card with gold lettering. It read:


: :

: Guild of Thieves and Treasure Hunters :

: Honorary Member :

: :


: The Crimson Robbers :

: :


"You see," Gerad continued. "In South Figaro, there are tunnels and secret passageways beneath the streets. And hidden behind a screen of

mazes and death traps is the heart of the Guild. It takes a skilled Thief or *Ninja* to get there safely."


"Me? I'm sorry, friend, but I have a castle to storm."...>


<..."Here he is, Boss. Our new recruit."

The Moogle-Thief-Boss came up to Kulock and announced, "I hereby initiate you as class-zero apprentice to the White Chocobo Treasure Hunters!" He picked up an Experience Egg and slammed it into Kulock's forehead, *smash!* All the Moogle-Thieves began cheering: "Kupo! Kupo!"

"But I'm looking for a Ninja! I want to BE a Ninja! I'm here to apprentice with a NINJA!" Kulock protested as egg dripped down his chin.

"Oh, dear!"...>


<...Kulock had been inside the Guild learning from the White Chocobos for three weeks now. "The training we give you is very similar to what an apprentice Ninja would receive. A Ninja Master would be proud to take you up as his student!" Kulock really liked the old Master Thief.

Everyday Kulock trained with one Thief or another, and every night Kulock sat with the Moogle-Thieves while they told stories by the fire. He had learned how to tie (and untie) knots, how to pick simple locks, how to move silently in the dark, how to...>


<..."Hurry! He's here!" squealed the Moogle-Thief.


"A Ninja Master has arrived!"

"But I want to be a *THIEF*!" Kulock scolded. He continued to study with the White Chocobos...>


<..."Your Pearl Lance is too clumsy. Once you've earned your Merit Award, you ought to consider something more suitable. I personally prefer a Hawk Eye..."...>


<..."Watch carefully!" reprimanded the Boss. "Unequipping your opponent is *very* dangerous!" The Boss jumped the volunteer 'intruder', *swish!*, *swish!*, and pulled away a 'captured' sword. He motioned to Kulock: "Now you try!"

Kulock pounced his teacher, unlatched the shield, and was promptly stabbed by a wooden sword! "No, no! Watch me one more time..."...>


<..."Moogles tend to stick out in a pack of humans. Not very good if you want to be a ninja. But when someone's purse of GP is stolen, who is the *very* last person they point to?"



<...Kulock ran down the halls, back towards the White Chocobos and away from the Golden Horde Looters. No one had said he had to win; in fact, the Genji-Heike only required that the challenger successfully steal/capture an equipped item in armed combat.

Unfortunately, Kulock had captured a Dragon Horn from the Golden Horde Boss, and this placed the White Chocobo Boss in a difficult position. The Golden Horde had the largest faction within the Guild Council, and they would seek revenge. The White Chocobos were small by comparison.

Kulock's teacher came to a decision. Removing his own Merit Award, he pinned it on Kurago: "I hereby raise you to Master Thief and full member of the White Chocobo Treasure Hunters! From this day forth, you are to be exiled..."...>

* * * *

Kurune shook Kulock lightly, "Wake up, sleepy-head..."

"Kupo?" Kulock opened his eyes and stared about the room. "Did you find Mog?"

"No," said Kurune. "But they're having a fair tomorrow, the Maranda Marketplace Festival. People from the surrounding countryside will be there. Someone *must* have seen Mog!"

Kurago walked in, "Let's go! I'm getting *hungry*!"

Kurune pushed Kurago out the door, then called back, "Get dressed, Kulock. We won't start supper without you."

The door closed, and Kulock sat up in bed. Then he reached for his Merit Award and got dressed.

Moogleteers Chapter 4: The Maranda Marketplace Festival: Morning

"I hear you're going to today's Fair," remarked the innkeeper. "You're in for a treat! It's sorta a *double* celebration this year."

The Moogles all nodded their heads in agreement. Last night, while Kulock ate supper, Kurune and Kurago had retold Maranda's heroic battles against King Edgar's undead army.

Now they were just finishing off a hearty home-cooked breakfast. The innkeeper took away the empty dishes, admonished them not to eat too many sweets at the Fair, and waved them off towards the marketplace.


The Marketplace Festival was huge for a town of Maranda's stature, and was located just outside town. In addition to the local and overseas merchants selling their wares, there were fun and games set up, live outdoor performances, and free drinks (funded by the organizing Merchants Association).

The Three Moogle-teers' first stop was the concessions stand. It was perfect fair weather with the sun climbing higher and higher. Kurune ordered a Marandan Ice Swirl; Kurago took a Counter-Swirl; and Kulock gulped down an Apple Cider before walking a way with a second 'complimentary' mugful.

They wandered around for a while. Then they stopped for a mini-Opera, picked up free tickets to an upcoming show, and asked if anyone had seen Mog.

"No, I'm sorry. Mog hasn't been to the Opera House in a while, and we didn't see him on the way here either," replied the Impressario.


They split up at the crowded merchants stalls. Kurune walked up to a large banner emblazoned with a fiery-red bird. A bearded merchant cried out, "You're just in time for the MIRACLE of the century! I hold in my hand the *GREATEST* discovery since ESPERS!" The merchant twisted the lid off a jar. "Behold! FENIX DOO-DOO!"

The smell kicked Kurune backwards. "That's AWFUL!"

"That's what the bugs say, too! Yes, folks, this miracle product is an insecticide; Mantodea plaguing you? FENIX DOO-DOO! This baby is also a wrinkle remover; Chocobo-feet around your eyes? FENIX DOO-DOO! Take a sniff, folks! One jar is *guaranteed* to raise the dead; have you lost a loved one in the War? Well, FENIX DOO-DOO!"


Kulock called out to the other two, "Hey, guys! Come look at this!"

Kurune quickly purchased an airtight jar for the low, low price of 500GP, and placed it in her pack. She followed Kulock's excited squeals of pleasure to another merchant's table. "What's up, cuz?" she asked.

"You gotta..." Kulock's nose twitched. "What's that smell, kupo!?"

Kurago landed hard but managed to stay on his DragoonBooted feet. He must have caught Kulock's last remark; he sniffed himself and shrugged. Then he sniffed the air, then Kurune. "Is that perfume you're wearing?"

"Don't be silly!" Kurune was offended. She *never* wore perfume!

"Well, maybe you ought..." *slam!* Kurune's closed fist sent mini-Chocobos fluttering around Kurago's head. "Kupoppo!" she swore.

While Kulock chuckled to himself, Kurago tried to get up but stumbled. "Ouch! That really hurt, sis. I think you must've broken your hand on that one!"

Kurune pulled her brother up. She regretted her quick temper but realized she'd hurt his ego more than anything else. She refrained from casting "Cure 1". Instead, she patted the dust off Kurago's Snow Muffler.

"It's cool, sis. I guess I had it coming... my apologies."


"So what did you find?" asked Kurune.

"An ESPER!" Kulock exclaimed. He pointed at a glass dome on the merchant's table. Inside was an Esper!

"That's right, Moogles!" a rag-dressed merchant broke in. "This here is the Esper Raiden... Of course, he's in Magicite form."

Kurune was awestruck. Ever since the fall of Kefka, she had felt like a first-year apprentice. A *real* Esper might restore her magic; she might even be able to control her Black Magic. But how? "But how?" she asked. "All of the Espers went home."

"Apparently not all of them," the merchant showcased his Esper. "This one didn't make it. He either stayed here, or came back. There are bound to be others."

Kurune wasn't entirely convinced. If there were Espers running about, then what happened to all the magic? Sure, she could still cast level one spells, and there was magic everywhere, but nothing like before.

The merchant tried to read Kurune's expression. "I see. You are a Magic-user, eh, young lady?" he guessed. "Well, Raiden here can teach you to cast Quicken."

"Kupo! And how do we know that?" Kulock challenged. He was certain that he was not the only thief roaming the Market. "Can we touch it? Please?"

"Oh, no! I mean... uh, Raiden here is... uh, very sensitive. Yes! He's too sensitive to be handled." The crystal started to shimmer and hum. "Oops!" the merchant exclaimed. He lifted the glass case and placed the glowing Esper into a Treasure Chest.

"We'll take it!" Kurago called out.

Kurune pulled him away from the table. "Er, how much are you asking?"

"It's a steal at 500,000 GP..." the merchant began.

Kurune gasped. That was a lot even for a real Esper. Kulock agreed that it was a steal (for the merchant!), and Kurago could only look upset. They didn't have 500,000 GP.

"...but," the merchant continued, "there's also a special Moogle Discount. I'll let you walk away with Raiden for say... 100,000GP?"

There was a moment of silence as the merchant waited. Kurago rummaged through his pack and pulled out a rolled-up map. "We'll trade you for it," he offered.

The merchant eyed the weathered scrap of paper with some disgust. "What am I going to do with a treasure map? I already have a treasure chest with a treasure inside; no deal! Now run along. Shoo! Shoo!" He locked the Treasure Chest, flipped an 'Out to Lunch' sign, and left.

Kulock tapped the sign. "While he fills his belly, I can empty his chest, kupo!"

"No, don't bother," said Kurune. "It looked sorta fake anyways." And besides, there were too many people milling around...


The Moogle-teers walked away from the merchant's stalls. "Where did you get this map?" asked Kulock. He held the parchment before him.

"From an old lady merchant," Kurago replied. "When I asked if she'd seen Mog or another Moogle, she handed me the map and asked, 'Is this what you're looking for?' "

"This map leads to a cave of treasures in the Marandan Desert," Kulock observed.

"Really? Do you like it?" asked Kurago. "It cost 100 GP, but I was sure you'd want it."

The map wasn't as old as it appeared. Kulock saw ancient script and modern vernacular had been sloppily intermixed. "I'm sure we'll find something interesting with this map," he agreed.

Moogleteers Chapter 5: The Maranda Marketplace Festival: Afternoon

After some lunch, the Three Moogleteers explored the rides and recreations. Little kids fidgeted in long lines waiting for chocobo rides around the fairgrounds or for a chance to 'rumble' in partially-restored Magitek Armor.

Kurune vetoed the chocobo rides as too childish; Kurago and Kulock agreed. But despite her objections, they did manage to pull her into a game of Magitek Armor tag. And they would have played all day long, but they had to make room for the line of anxious children... oh, and look for Mog!

* * * *

It was getting late but the sun still hung high. They had asked around but to no avail. Kurune asked another vendor, "Have you seen a Moogle anywhere? Like us?"

"You mean like those?" The vendor pointed towards a Shooting Gallery.

"Kupo!" Kulock ran to the Gallery, and Kurune and Kurago followed. Sitting on the top shelves were first-prize Plush Moogle Dolls.

"Oo-o! I want one!" Kulock hopped up and down. "I want it, I want it, I want..."

"Kupo! Don't be silly!" Kurune cut in. "What are you going to do with a Moogle Stuffy?"

"He-hee!" Kulock chuckled. "I'm gonna go to the Bakery and talk to the Baker. And when he gets into one of his long speeches, I'll switch the Moogle Stuffy in my place. Then while the baker lectures the decoy, I'll run around back and steal all his cookies!"

"Cool!" said Kurago. "But I want a split of the treats." He plunked down 100GP on the counter and received three shurikens. In the back of the room, a row of chocobo cut-outs 'walked' by. Painted on their sides were tiny red and white bull's-eyes.

Kurago aimed, threw a star, and decapitated one of the cut-outs. "Woo-hoo! I got one!" he yelled.

"Simmer down, friend." The attendant motioned to the overhead sign. "Ya gotta hit the bull's-eye."

"Lali..." Kurago repositioned himself and threw. The star sailed wide and struck the wall.

"Careful now!" warned the attendant.

Kurago threw his remaining shuriken, and it stuck. "Bull's-eye!" The attendant pulled a prize off the bottom shelf. "One hit gets you a Kefka-in-a-Can!"

* * * *

Kurago examined the Can. "I was sure Kefka was bigger than this, Lali!"

Kulock took the Can from his cousin. "This is probably only his nose. Look at all those cans!" He pointed at all the other Cans which obviously contained the rest of Kefka.

Kurune grabbed the Can and read its label. "It's only Kefka's Nefarious Laugh." She shook the Can: >>UWA HA HA HA!<<

"Oo-ooo!" Cold shivers ran down Kulock's spine. "That was scary... do it again!"

Kurago snatched the Can away from Kurune and shook it: >>UWA HA HA HA!<<

The attendant didn't seem to mind; everytime they shook the Can, customers flocked and business jumped.

* * * *

"But I still want a Plush Moogle," said Kulock. He fished out 100GP in exchange for his three Shurikens.

As he was about to throw his first star, he noticed a slight jerk in the parading Chocobos. He halted his throw and saw a movement in the black curtains off to the side. Kupo! Someone was controlling the target! He listened intently for the creak of a hand-crank behind the curtains.

Kulock drew in a deep breath and exhaled. He picked up all three Shurikens and concentrated. Then he threw all three! One veered wide and ripped through the curtains. The other two stars held straight and both embedded themselves into the Chocobo bull's-eyes.

"Egads!" The attendant rushed behind the curtains, but Kulock was sure he'd missed the hidden accomplice.

"What happened?" asked Kurago. "That one missed by a mile!"

The attendant returned looking a bit flustered but also relieved. He straightened himself and smiled. He looked at Kurago's two bull's-eyes and said, "I believe that was two hits for a Chocobo Stuf..."

"I want to upgrade," Kulock interrupted. He held up the Kefka-in-a-Can.

"Certainly." The attendant took the Can, reached for a Moogle Stuffy, and dropped it into Kulock's waiting hands.

Moogleteers Chapter 6: The Maranda Marketplace Festival: Evening

It had been a long day, and the Maranda Marketplace was being disassembled: the merchants were taking down their displays and counting their profits; harnessless Chocobos feed themselves and rested; and while the Impressario and his Orchestra rehearsed, dented Magitek Armor were reconfigured and repositioned for the grand finale fireworks.

"Oo! I had so-o much fun today, kupo!" Kulock was ecstatic with his new Plush Moogle.

"Almost as much fun as jumping monsters," Kurago agreed. "We oughta look for Mog more often, eh?"

"Of course we'll look for Mog," said Kurune. "We still haven't found him yet. But you're right. It would be nice to come back here next year."

They reached the edge of the collapsing Marketplace for a good vantage point of the scheduled fireworks. It was already crowded, but they found an empty clump of grass. Kurune unfolded a blanket, and they sat back to watch.

* * * *

A Vendor passed by hawking his wares. "Sunglasses!" he shouted. "Get your sunglasses!"

"Here, good man," Kurago called out to the Vendor. "We'll take three pairs."

"Kurago!" scolded Kurune. The sun had already set, and the sky was darkening for the light show.

The Vendor weaved his way through the onlookers. He held three pairs of sunglasses in hand. "That'll be 30,000 GP," the Vendor replied.

"Yikes!" gasped Kurago.

Kurune spoke up as diplomatically as she could: "I'm sorry, sir. There's been a *terrible* misunderstanding. My colleague here isn't well. We won't be needing... er, sunglasses tonight..."

"Oh!" Rather than seeming disheartened, the Vendor jumped into a pitch: "I see! There *has* been a misunderstanding. These aren't ordinary sunglasses; these were recovered from the ruins of ancient Mysidia. In addition to protecting against dark status, these relics can detect the presence of magic!"

The Vendor put on a pair of Mysidian Shades and turned around. "You see that Magit... oops!" he cried. The Vendor tripped and stumbled but quickly regained his balance and composure. He slid the Shades over on top of his head and blinked. "Well, they work fine in daylight," he amended. "But they're also perfect for sitting in the dark and watching Magitek fireworks!"

He dropped a pair to Kurago who slipped them on. Then the Vendor suggested, "If you look over there, you can see the Magitek Armor powering up."

"I don't see anything," complained Kurago.



"Maybe you're not using them correctly," said the Vendor defensively. "Or maybe... I see you're wearing Dragoon Boots. Plus the Mysidian Shades makes two. You *do* know you shouldn't equip more than two Relics, don't you?"

The Vendor had guessed correctly. Kurago was also wearing his Dragon Horn, and now all three Relics effectively canceled each other out. The thought of either his Dragoon Boots or Dragon Horn not working set Kurago into a panic. "Yikes!" He tossed the Mysidian Shades over to Kulock, but Kulock already had his Thief Glove and Merit Award equipped.

* * * *

Kurune ended up with Shades; she was a Runic Knight, after all, and magic was her specialty. "Kupoppo!" she said. She removed her Moogle Charm and secured it in her pack. Placing the Mysidian Shades over her eyes, she asked, "So how do they look with my Ribbon?"

"Cool!" "Kupo!" Kurago and Kulock complimented.

She looked over at the Magitek Armor charging up. She saw multi-colored discharges at the gun tips and pulsating energy within the core pack. She let out an "Oo!" Then she put her hands before the Shades and concentrated on a Cure 1 spell. A blue field enveloped her hands as she whispered the spell. She flipped the Shades up over her head, and asked the other two, "How much GP do you guys have?"

They emptied their purses but only managed a little over 5000 GP. "We'll throw in a one-of-a-kind treasure map," Kurago offered.

The Vendor hesitated, but then he scooped up the GP, leaving the map alone. "I'm taking a loss on this transaction," he said. "But it's worth it to see my Mysidian Shades on such a pretty young face!"

Kurune blushed as the Vendor continued his rounds.

* * * *

"Now we're flat broke," Kurune lamented. She had taken what little GP they had and bought a nifty pair of Shades.

"Kupo! I would've paid 20,000 GP easy," said Kulock hoping to cheer Kurune up.

"Why don't we put those Shades to work?" suggested Kurago. "We can go back to the merchant with the Raiden Esper and 'see' if it's genuine."

"I'm not sure," said Kurune. "After all, most of the merchants have closed shop, and some have already left the market." But that didn't stop her from trying. She turned to face the Marketplace and let her Mysidian Shades fall across her eyes. Almost immediately, she saw a brilliant point-source of magic. "Kupo! I see it!" she yelled. "Either Raiden or a house on fire."

Kurago and Kulock looked around but saw no fire. Only a few lights marking the avenues through the stalls with Maranda itself beyond. "Let's go."

The Moogleteers criss-crossed the Marketplace with Kurune guiding. The source of magic kept moving, and Kurune led them down one street, then down another. It wasn't easy wearing the Shades in the nighttime; Kurune kept trying to follow the magic source by walking through stalls and tents.

Halfway across the Marketplace, she looked right down a row of stalls. Out of the darkness, a little boy ran towards them calling out, "Mog! Mog!" repeatedly. He stopped and inspected the moogles one by one. "Oh! I'm so sorry," he apologized. "I thought one of you might have been Mog."

"Kupo! Do you know Mog?" asked Kurune.

"Sure. Mog and I are best friends, kupo!" said the boy. "But I haven't seen him since he left. I was hoping he'd return for the Festival, kupoppo!"

Kurune eyed the kid's shield, which sparkled with a rainbow of colors in her Shades. "That's some shield you got there," she commented.

The boy held up his Aegis Shield for everyone to see. "Mog gave it to me to ward off evil demons," he said. "But I don't have nightmares anymore and wanted to return it to him, kupo! Is Mog at the fireworks stands?"

"No, we were just there, and we're looking for him also," said Kurune. "Do you know where he was headed when he left Maranda?"

"Sure! He told me he was going into the desert just south of here. Kupoppo! I hope he isn't hurt!" The boy removed his shield and handed it directy to Kurago. "This belongs to Mog. If you find him, please return it to him, kupo!"

Kurago received the Aegis Shield and reassured the boy, "Don't worry, kid. We'll find Mog."

"I'm quite sure he's alright," Kurune added.

Kulock retrieved his Moogle Stuffy from his pack. "Just in case the nightmares come back," he said.

"Kupo! Thank you! Kupoppo!" The little boy ran off with the Moogle Stuffy.

"That sure was nice of you, Kulock," said Kurune.

"Yeah, are you feeling okay?" asked Kurago. "I know *I'm* getting nauseous."

"Okay, okay," said Kulock. "Let's just find Mog... He owes me a Moogle Stuffy!"

The Three Moogleteers go adventuring in Time 6, Group 9: Treasure Hunt.
Next section (Time 5 Group 8: Another Assassin)
Table of Contents

Andrew Church (achurch@achurch.org), FF3RPG Archivist