Time 6 Group 4: Jidoor at Last

Locke Chapter 15: Jidoor By Night

The journey to Jidoor had been long and arduous, complicated by his recent magical wounds and the frequency of monstrous beings in the area. But finally, Locke had arrived. He stood at the top of a hill, looking down on Jidoor as the sun set. The storm had stopped since he'd been underground, apparently, and, though the weather was nothing like what it had been before Kefka's time, it was almost pleasant. But Locke had problems greater than the weather.

<What's happened to Jidoor?> The once-proud homes were hollow, burned-out shells, and soldiers stood at the outskirts of town. Many soldiers. It reminded Locke of the time he had spent in South Figaro, delaying the Empire's troops so the Returners could have a chance to escape. That was where he'd met Celes...

<Figaro!> Of course. Those uniforms... <These soldiers come from Figaro! But why?> Had there been some invasion that had required Edgar's forces to help repel? But there were so many guards... <Edgar, what are you doing?>

Edgar had never wanted to be king, although he did a better job than he would admit to himself. <You joined the Returners as soon as you could, when you saw they were fighting against the Empire's conquest. Why are you in Jidoor now?>

The sun had set. Locke decided to slip into Jidoor, cloaked by the moonless night. For better or for worse, he'd find out whether there was any truth to his suspicions. If there wasn't, he and Edgar could laugh about it later. If there was... Locke was, perhaps, the person closest to the King of Figaro, with the exception of Sabin. If it was true, it was up to him to stop Edgar.

<I'm getting too old for this.> He remembered, a few short years ago, taking Terra to meet Edgar. She was the world's greatest hope, then. How surprised she had been... 'Surprised that someone like me would know a king?' And that was nothing to the surprise she'd given them later. Magic. <That seems like so long ago. Before we met any of the others. Before Kefka killed Gestahl and broke the world. When we could afford to tell jokes, because the Returners would triumph. Well, maybe we did, but the world isn't any better for it.>

He slid past the last guard, hugging the wall. <No, that's not true. The world is better off than it was under Kefka. Flowers are beginning to grow again...> Soon, he would have to track down his friends. <Being a hero isn't what it's cracked up to be.>

It was difficult to find someone who was willing to speak, but that alone confirmed his fears. <They're terrified of Figaro's troops. Edgar, you'd better have an explanation for this.> He couldn't remain in Jidoor, regardless of what Celes had said in his dream. As far as he could tell, there was nobody in Jidoor who matched the description of any of his friends. <Well, looks like I'll be on my own for this.>

Carefully securing the pouch with the glowing disk to conceal its light as best he could, he slipped from the occupied city once more. <Now, to get to Figaro... isn't there a Chocobo forest near here?> His thoughts were interrupted as he crested the next hill and stared down. A large line of earth had been gauged out of the ground. At the end of the barren trail rested... Setzer's airship. Or what used to be Setzer's airship. <Could anyone possibly have survived that crash? Would they still be here is they did?> He noticed that the main body of the ship seemed to have been repaired to some extent, and the discovery lifted his spirits. <At least I know Setzer's alive. He's the only one who could possibly have repaired the airship.>

Locke set about searching the debris.

Locke Chapter 16: The Nightside of Jidoor

The evidence was very reassuring.

Locke entered the crashed airship easily, eyes flickering over the familiar room for signs of intrusion. This part of the airship had obviously been repaired to make it structurally safe once again. <Setzer's still alive... or he was.> Locke frowned. <Why would he leave his airship unfinished? Maybe the attack?>

He took a closer look at a flyer on the wall. "The Nightsider's Club," he read out loud. He grinned. He'd heard of the infamous club, where fortunes could be, and often were, gained or lost for a single toss of the dice. "_Setzer_ owned the club? Of course... the greatest gambler ever..."

Shaking his head and chuckling under his breath, he continued his search. The room showed signs of recent use, but it must have lain empty for about a week. Unlike the other areas of the ship he had seen from outside, this room was in perfect repair. <Except...> Locke frowned up, noting the hole in the ceiling. The broken boards hung inwards, indicating that something fairly large had crashed through. <Seven feet by three feet? No way to tell without a closer look...> Could this be what had frightened Setzer away?

"Jidoor is full of mysteries," he muttered to himself, making his way towards the deck and the captain's quarters.

* * * * * *

An hour later, he sat back in the casino, in one of the luxurious chairs, thinking. He'd confirmed his suspicions--if his friends had been here, they had certainly left. <But not too long ago.> He was fairly certain that at least three people had been here, but had no idea who, except for Setzer. And with the crowds the casino was likely to have attracted... <There's no way to tell for sure.>

His problem was obvious. <Setzer was here, but he isn't now. He's not in Jidoor. He would never leave this airship. So where is he? And where are the others?> He would need help if he was going to try to handle Figaro. <And I have to find Driel too. But not until after I talk to Edgar. It might be dangerous...>

From Jidoor, he could take a ship to Kohlingen or South Figaro. Kohlingen was out; South Figaro was a possibility. But first, he'd try to find a better way. <I've had enough of boats. Wasn't there a chocobo stable near here?> He smiled at the thought of the large yellow birds. They'd saved his life at least once; nothing could outrun a chocobo without magic.

He left the Nightsider's Club, determined to travel by chocobo. But a faint noise in the darkness interrupted his thoughts. <I'd better go investigate. Wouldn't do to be followed...>

And Locke did his best to fade into the shadows.

Ahn Chapter 1

Ahn pulled the hood of her cloak down farther over her face and, most importantly, her slightly pointed ears. She was hardly noticed in the throng of people gathered at the market of Nikeah, and that was good. She passed through the crowd as quickly as she could and pushed her way to the item merchant. He acknowledged her existence only briefly as he opened a new box full of small vials. "Yeah, what do you want?"

Ahn held up two fingers. "Potion."

The merchant grunted. He rarely had customers who could barely speak the language, and he didn't appreciate her slow speech. He handed her two vials. "200 GP."

Ahn quickly handed him the money and tucked the potions into her cloak. She turned and left the man, wondering why she felt so many negative thoughts from him. She shook her head and walked quickly toward the edge of town. Ahn felt very uncomfortable being out in the open like this around other people, but that, she told herself, would pass in time. She had just recently chosen to live above ground instead of the caves below. There was nothing down there for her anymore, she thought. Best to forget the past and keep her mind in the present.

Ahn Chapter 2

The familiar soft winds of the plains brought Ahn's mind back to years ago when she had taken her first steps above onto this ground. Shrugging off the more painful thoughts of why she had come above in the first place, she adjusted the backpack on her shoulders and walked on, using her long wooden spear as a walking stick. Suddenly, she was knocked over flat onto the ground. Something was on her back, growling. It leaped away when she tried to get up, slashing at her with sharp claws in the process. It was a medium-sized wildcat. It looked thin and ragged, and Ahn could see its ribs through its fur.

Ahn clutched her wounded right arm. Did she really have a reason to kill this animal? After all, it looked hungry. And she _did_ have a bit of dried meat in her pack...

The cat growled menacingly. Scratch that. If she tried to take the meat from her backpack, the cat would be on her in a blink of an eye. Ahn looked closer at the cat. Its muzzle was dripping saliva and foam. ~The cat must be hungrier than I thought,~ Ahn mused silently. She held out her spear and thrust at it, only a warning shot, and the cat bounced away. It stared at her for a moment as if wondering where she got the nerve to attack, then put its head and tail down, and ran away yowling. Ahn scratched her head. "What?" she wondered out loud. She shrugged and looked at her arm. It looked as if it had started to become infected already, and she was without any type of antidote or potion. There were no towns nearby, but there was a tunnel a few yards away. Cursing softly, she went below.

After a few hours of traveling underground, Ahn became extremely dizzy. What's going on? she thought. It was only a catscratch...

Another hour passed by. She turned and stumbled down a small tunnel that led to an underground spring. She dipped her arm in the water to cleanse the infection as best she could. She bit her lip to endure the sting, then withdrew her arm again to re-wrap it with a piece of torn cloth. She glanced into the water, her head spinning, and stumbled backwards. "M-mother?!" Her mother's face had been in the water, shimmering and wavering and staring up at her with cold, cruel eyes. "W-w-what's going on?" Ahn blundered out of the cave. Her legs felt as if they wanted to give in on her. The rock walls seemed to be moving, closing in on her, trying to crush the life from her body. She kept running blindly, her hands in front of her trying to shield the evil spirits trying to get her. Then -- bright sunlight. She heard voices, a few shouts, and collapsed in front of Jidoor.

Locke Chapter 17: I Love the Nightlife

Locke crept forwards, keeping to the shadows as much as possible. If someone--or something--was following him... <I'll have to be careful. There are too many soldiers in Jidoor. If I don't take care of whatever this is, I might alert them.>

So far, so good. He hadn't seen any indication of a pursuer. Only his lingering suspicion kept him from dismissing the sound entirely. <It could have been coincidence... but I'd better make sure. It wouldn't do to bring Edgar's entire army down upon me.> Once again, he wondered what Edgar could possibly gain from occupying Jidoor... <I have other things to worry about, now.>

He was now sliding slowly forward along the ground, hoping the darksuit he wore would be enough concealment. The sound had originated from just over this hill...

Locke peered cautiously over the summit. He saw nothing. <Wait... there.> Another person, lying motionless in the grass. Locke smiled; his would-be hunter was facing the wrong direction. Silently, he rose to his feet, bringing Valiant into his hand with a practised motion. He began to stalk forward, moving as quickly as he could without giving up stealth entirely. He approached, ready to spring at any sudden movement.

There was none. <Something's wrong. He's too still.> Locke called out softly, still waiting, but there was no response at all. <Just another traveler that the monsters got?> He crept forward, weapon still held ready in case it was a trick. Gently, he turned the body over...

It was a woman. Short, probably a little over five feet... <And still alive,> he marvelled, taking her wrist to check for a pulse. <Barely.> He noticed a long scratch down one arm that appeared to be discolored. <Infected, or poisoned. In her condition, I don't think she'd survive if I tried to get her to Jidoor. Even if I could get her past the guards... what's this?>

The woman had only four fingers on each hand! <Very strange. Well, if I can't get her to Jidoor, and I can't leave her here... Looks like I'll have to use this trinket again.> Locke frowned at the pouch containing the strange disk from the Ancient Castle. If he opened it, the light would surely be visible for some distance. He only hoped the guards at Jidoor didn't see it. <But I have to try.>

Bracing himself, he thumbed open the pouch and grasped the metallic disk, trying to block the light with his hand. He succeeded to some extent. Then the familiar throbbing started, and he closed his eyes, tensing in preparation.


The last time the amulet had given Locke magic, it had felt like an electric shock running through his body. This time, the pain was more localized--he felt as if a lance had been thrust through his chest. He fell backwards, releasing the amulet, gasping for breath as he tried to recover from the shock.

A full minute later, he managed to rise to his knees and closed the pouch. <Anything might've seen that... well, let's hope nothing comes to check it out.> The pain had faded a great deal, but Locke was still having difficulty breathing. <Got to concentrate... this woman can't have long.>

"Remedy!" The borrowed power surged through Locke, and a mystic light surrounded the strange eight-fingered woman. A light of purity, restoring her to her original condition. As Locke watched, the discoloration vanished, and the woman seemed to be breathing more regularly. He still felt magic within him; it seemed he had not used it all yet. <Good. That took care of the poison, but she's still in bad shape. Enough for one more small spell... I hope.>

"Cure!" From his outstretched hand flew a small cloud of sparkling gemstone lights. The wound began to close. And as the woman improved, Locke's energy seemed to dissipate. <That must have used the last of the magic.>

<I hope she recovers in time to...>

He collapsed before he finished the thought.

Ahn Chapter 3: Strange Bedfellows

Ahn's eyelids slowly fluttered open. She moaned and sat up - carefully. Her muscles ached. Where was she?

She looked around at her surroundings. ~I remember,~ she thought. ~But it all seems like a dream.~ She hastily lifted her arm to see if the infection had gotten worse but... ~Nothing there! Was it a dream?~ She stood up slowly and sniffed the air. She hadn't noticed another presence before, and it seemed like she had tunnel vision for a second. ~Light. What -~ The brilliant bright light was coming from a strange disc on the ground laying next to... a man! He was unconscious, Ahn noticed, but that light... she felt something coming from it. ~Magic!~ she realized suddenly. She cautiously approached the man, knife at the ready. ~He's out cold. Did he help me?~ A chill ran up her spine. ~Does he know?~

She bent down to pick up the disc on the ground, but dropped it quickly when she felt a peculiar transfer of energy. ~It is magic. But what kind?~ She removed her black cloak and wrapped the disc inside. At least the light wouldn't attract attention anymore. But what about the man? She thought. ~I could bring him to the Inn, but I would have to come in contact with humans. Do I dare risk it?~ She pondered this quickly. ~If he did help me, I must repay him. I must face my fears.~ With that thought, she hefted the man up on her shoulder, but felt her knees buckle under the weight. She would never make it far this way.

Ahn Chapter 4: Introduction

Ahn set the man back down on the ground. ~What was that great-grandfather tought me so many years ago?~ She still felt a strange, yet familiar sensation inside of her. She whispered, "Float." The man's body rose only slightly. She could definitely feel a change inside of her, like her will was draining. ~Must get him to the inn fast.~ She picked the much lighter man up and carried him into the street. ~Soldiers,~ she thought. She crept along the shadowed part of the street at a rapid pace. Thankfully, she was able to slip into the inn without much trouble. The innkeeper eyed the strange, small woman as she entered. "He needs help."

"So do a lot of other people."

"Please -"

"Just take him into the room," the innkeeper sighed. "Town's gone to hell anyway. What do I care?"

Ahn nodded her thanks and hurried the man into the room. She set him down carefully on the bed, relieved of the weight on both her mind and body.

Locke Chapter 18: Ahn and Ahn...

Locke knew before he opened his eyes that he was in an inn. There was no way to mistake a bed for the ground, and he didn't think many of the houses in Jidoor still stood. Besides, this had happened before...

<I seem to have discovered a new way to enter towns. I hope this doesn't become habit.> The pain had faded, but it was not entirely gone. A vague discomfort, a sort of prickling... it was bearable. He made a mental note not to eat anything any time soon, and opened his eyes.

The ceiling was in good repair. <At least I won't be crushed to death.> The walls, too, although the pictures hanging there were slanted. A portrait of someone he'd never seen, a ship at sea -- <Does every inn have that picture on its walls?> -- and a landscape. Jidoor as it was before Kefka ruined the world. Locke would have laughed at the juxtaposition of the beautiful town of that time and the burnt shell that remained -- Jidoor had fallen far -- but he remained silent.

Once again, he was not alone.

But the woman who was with him this time wasn't Driel. For one thing, she was half a foot shorter than the shipboard healer had been -- <Is,> he corrected himself, self-consciously; Driel was surely alive, somewhere -- and her eyes were... different. Something about them... He glanced at her hand. Four fingers. <This _is_ the girl I healed, then. How did she get me here? She doesn't look like she could even life me, much less carry me half a mile or more. And there was no one else nearby. And those eyes...>

She started as he spoke; perhaps she had been dozing. <I must have been unconscious for quite a while.> "Hello. I'm Locke Cole. Thank you for helping me..." He smiled in what he hoped was a reassuring manner. <Well, this worked before...>

Ahn Chapter 5: First Sight of Banon

Ahn watched the strange man - Locke was his name - slip around a corner as if trying to lose her. She wondered what he was up to, and why he kept to himself as most humans didn't do. This fascinated and frightened her. Was there something he was hiding? Could it be that he was scared of her? Questions swirled around in her mind. She carefully resumed following Locke into a shop, and paused, half hiding, in the doorway. There was another man in the shop, and Locke seemed fascinated or amazed by his being there. Ahn continued to watch.

Locke Chapter 19

Locke slowly stood. He was recovering again from the force of the disk's magic... <The disk! Where...> No, there was no way to tell. It could have fallen anywhere between here and wherever he had been when he'd cast the Cure. <Well, good riddance. I'd kill myself if I tried to heal too many people _that_ way.> He turned back to the problem at hand. Or rather, as far from hand as she could be and still be in the room. The woman seemed to be trying to push herself through the wall by force of will.

"I am Ahn..." Her voice was soft, hesitant, and carried a heavy accent. An accent Locke had never heard before... It reminded him of the Sylph, Kyria. <But there's no way that that cloak is hiding wings. Besides, it's not quite the same. Close, though...> "...Did you heal me?"

Locke nodded as he spoke, automatically adjusting his voice to match her quiet tone, "That scratch was infected. I happened to have a magical device at the time, so I used it to cast Remedy and Cure. By the way, thank you for bringing me here." He smiled brightly.

No response. Stifling a sigh, he continued, "Fare well, Ahn." He turned, intending to search Jidoor. <Something has to be done about edgar. I think I could convince Arik and Shalamar to help--I guess they're the closest Jidoor has to leaders, now. I doubt Owzer survived whatever hit his mansion.> He reached the bottom of the stairs, and heard a light footfall some distance behind him. Pretending to examine the damage to the inn, which wasn't too extensive, he glanced back.

Ahn. If he wasn't used to the methods, he would never have noticed her following him. <Well, if she'd wanted to kill me, she already had the chance. I doubt I have to worry about her.> He wandered out into the streets; a hundred feet behind him, Ahn trailed. He would be surprised if any of the few citizens he saw on the streets--or the soldiers--noticed her.

Chuckling softly to himself, he decided to test her. <If she can follow me through what I'm about to do, without announcing her presence... Even Shadow would be impressed by that. As soon as I reach this next corner...>

He rounded the next corner, fully prepared to slip into an herbalist's shop as the first stage of his test. Instead, he froze, astonished.

Fate worked in strange ways. Right in front of him was a rather familiar figure. A little older, and looking much the worse for wear, but the resemblance was far deeper than coincidence could make it.

Locke had planned to recreate the Returners, and here, on the streets of Jidoor, he met the man who could lead them. As he had led them in the past. <Banon. Alive after all. And that man he's talking to...> Locke nearly called out loud. <Sabin!>

He stepped forward, preparing for a long-overdue reunion.

The Master Chapter 3

The meeting with Kharazz had gone well. The Fiend was powerful, and served his master loyally...or so Kharazz wanted the dark figure to think. No matter. Ambition was a useful trait...one which was readily manipulated. Control the mind, and the body is yours as well.

The figure smiled tightly. A finger extended from the shadows surrounding the throne, grasping the young, nubile woman who had been brought as a gift by the fourth Fiend. Her body quivered in abject fear as she stared at him. This one was an exception to the law which he had just thought upon...for this one had no mind worth speaking of any longer. A seeming eternity spent in fear and loneliness had done well toward turning her mind to a gibbering mass of jelly. Now she could be molded.

The fingers grasped her arms, jerking her toward him violently. Long tendrils sprouted from those ends, encircling her head in a sooty black aura. The Master smiled. "I give to you some of myself...so that you might retrieve what is...mine." he completed finally, sending a surge of energy coursing through the mindless shell.


She was...alive. Her eyes opened slowly, fingers clenching haphazardly. A...drawing. It pulled her.

Suddenly, the world snapped into crystal clarity. She knew who she was, and why she was here.

Her name now was Ahni-Baska and she was to kill Locke. And she knew exactly how she would do it as well.

What will happen to Locke? Find out in Time 6, Group 6: Return of the Returners.

Next section (Time 6 Group 5: Old F(r)iends)
Table of Contents

Andrew Church (achurch@achurch.org), FF3RPG Archivist