Time 7 Group 10: Figaran Rebellion

Cordain Chapter 1: "A cup of tea and a soldier, please."

"Here's your tea, Cordy," the waitress said, setting the cup of steaming drink before the man in the blue jacket.

"Thank you, Diane," he said handing her a gold piece, "And please don't call me that."

"But you're getting to be almost family now..."

"I know... and I don't like family," Cordain said, shutting his eyes. After a second he reopened them and said, "I hope to get a job soon. Then that's the last you'll see of me for a long while."

"What about after you're done with the mission? Will you be back then?"

"Probably not. It's too dangerous with those lunatic wandering around up north."


"Oh... I forgot. You probably haven't heard..."

"Heard what?"

"It's better you live in bliss, believe me."

"Where'd you hear all this?"

Cordain cleared his throat and said, "As I was saying, I'll probably head to Jidoor or Albrook afterwards. Business is much better there - and those Albrook waitresses are much prettier," he joked.

Diane looked at him in disgust at the insult, and walked away with a "hmph!"

Cordain laughed sadly. `Can't go around having family... It's too easy to lose these days.'

Cordain glanced around the room. Dozen of people from all over the world filled the tiny cafe, but one coming in his direction caught his eye. Cordain had had enough experience in his life to realize that he was a soldier in plain clothes. However, he only let his eyes rest upon the man, as to avoid suspicion of recognition.

Cordain took a sip of his tea, then looked up again as the man took a seat at his table.

"And you want?" Cordain asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I understand you are looking for a job. Well, I am Dreyfus Meyer, from Figaro, and may have one you'd be interested in."

"Yeah, and what if I'm not?" he said offhandedly.

"I'm sure you will be very interested for 100,000 gold."

He raised an eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure that can be arranged..."


"When do we start?" he said, beginning to wonder why this man was letting him ask all the questions... with other employers it was usually vice-versa. But for 100,000 gold... either this Dreyfus was desperate, rich, or a con. Cordain would have to be careful.

"Today," the Figaran answered.

Cordain looked at him suspiciously, then said, "Well, I'd better go up to my room and pack."

"I'll be waiting."

Cordain went up to his room and quickly shoved his extra pair of shoes and his old Doman uniform in his bag. He took more time on his fencing kit. He carefully placed the helm and leather suit he used for practice in its case, then picked up his rapier. He examined it, and took a cloth to clean it off. He placed it in the sheath on his left hip. Almost as an afterthought he went to a drawer and pulled out the Tempest, a blade he had purchased in Tzen on special before that tornado had destroyed it. He placed it in his bag. `Never know when I'm gonna need a little extra fire power...' he thought. `I don't even know if I can trust these guys yet.'

Cordain Chapter 2: "What's a Herringway?"

Cordain and Dreyfus left the cafe, and after they had walked awhile, Dreyfus said, "Well, I guess you'd like to know what your mission is."

"Yes. If I were to do it, that is."

"Well, I am really the leader of a small band to wipe out a rebel force which is still following the rule of King Edgar."

"So what's so wrong about that? He is the king."

"He was evil! I mean... he was after Kefka was destroyed."

"I see... so who is the king?"

"Well, technically, now that Edgar is dead, it's Sabin... but he's gone."

An intense anger briefly flared in Cordain, and he said, "So really, I'm working for..." his voice chilled, "Sabin..."

Dreyfus, apparently detecting the hint of anger, said, "I take it you've heard of the Prince."

"Why... yes."

"I hope the acquaintance was a good one."

"I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to say that."

"I'm so sorry."

"That's fine. You're paying a good price. That's all that matters... So how far away is your camp?"

"About thirty miles. There are chocobos just ahead."

Cordain and Dreyfus proceeded ahead for a minute more, mounted the two chocobos, and headed southwest.

* * *

On the chocobos, they made good time and reached the camp in about four hours. As they entered, a man with a white grin and gaudy clothes approached and said, "Hey! It's the good old colonel Drey! Soooo good to see you back! Who's your friend?" He turned to Cordain. "Ooohh... now, that's a nasty scar you got there," he said, pointing at Cordain's cheek. His finger got too close for comfort. "Where'd you get it? Were you in a battle? A brawl? Did you accidentally poke yourself with your little knife there?"

"Ahem!" Dreyfus cleared his throat, "This is Lieutenant James Herringway.."

"Hey, hey, hey... it's Jimmy!"

"Jimmy, this is Cordain Daunkipre. He is a very skilled Doman swordsman I have hired for help on our... mission."

"Oh, cool, cool, cool! Come on Drey, Cordy, it's almost time for dindin!"

"The hundred thousand gold pieces is going to be well worth the trouble," Cordain noted.

"Yes... I think they made him my lieutenant just to annoy me."

Cordain nodded with a smile, and they entered a large tent and messhall. Dreyfus beckoned him to sit at the officers' table, where he would explain their plans.

"Alright, first - you're not the only mercenary here." He pointed to a kid who couldn't be much older that 17. "That's Cam Bruggelman - someone we hired in Figaro."

Cam came up to Cordain and said, "Wow, you must be Cordain Daunkipre! I've read all about you and Scarecrow and Shadow!" Cordain scowled. "Oh! Sorry, forgot you didn't like Shadow, Cordy. Oops! Sorry..."

"Cordain turned to Dreyfus. "Sure one to get on the nerves."

"Speaking of nerves, here's Herringway..."

"What's a Herringway?" Cam asked stupidly.

"About a pound," Cordain said.

"Good one..." Dreyfus smiled. "Well, anyway, let's get to our plans..."

Jimmy sat down and with a flash of bright white teeth, said, "Okay-a-lee-dok-a-lee-doo!"

"Right then," Dreyfus started, "the rebels are reported to be in a sector of territory in the northeastern desert, which is blocked off by mountains and only attainable from the west. However, they have blocked off the mountain pass with explosives, so that route is out of the question. We could try to take a boat around, but that's exactly what they'll expect, and, by the time we get there, they'll have prepared a sizable force to stop us."

"Well, if that won't work, how will we get there?" an officer asked.

"We use our secret weapon. Dynamite."

Murmurs rustled around the room and questions were risen about how and where they would use it, and who would do the placing, but Dreyfus hushed them down and said, "We will use it to reopen the other end of the caves of Figaro. I will do the placing."

More whispers arose, and Jimmy asked, "Will you be okay, Drey?"

"Yes, it's quite simple to use, once you know how," Dreyfus responded coolly.

"Well, I should hope so, Drey, I've heard it could blow holes through steel walls."

"I'll get through. You guys just get your men through to the enemy camp, and stop those rebels. They won't be expecting an attack, so there'll probably be only a quarter of their force there, at most."

"Yes, sir," the officers saluted.

"Alrighty, then!" Jimmy said.

"We'll fight our money's worth," Cordain said for both himself and the kid's benefit.

"Good. We start tomorrow morning."

Cordain Chapter 3: Shadowscapes

Cordain rolled over in his sleeping bag and looked around. Everyone was sleeping and all was quiet. He got up and stepped over the sleeping Dreyfus and Jimmy, then over several guards. He waved at the guard who was sitting half asleep by the exit of the large tent. The guard waved back, allowing Cordain to pass.

Cordain emerged from the large tent to see Cam Bruggelman loading an autocrossbow. Without looking up, Cam asked, "Why are you up so late?"

"Thought I'd sleep out under the stars tonight," Cordain replied. "So what are you doing up?"

"I thought I'd do some... hunting."

"And what were you expecting to hunt?"

"Things like that!"

Cordain instinctively jumped to the left and pulled out his rapier as the young man pointed the weapon at him, but then, looking in surprise, he saw that the boy had shot a small field mouse that had been scurrying behind Cordain.

"Of course, they won't be that small... I probably find a nice, plump nohrabbit in the forest up north.."

"As long as its just small animals you're hunting.." Cordain replied, looking suspiciously at the formerly annoying kid turned experienced and dangerous assassin and mercenary.

"I'll try and watch out.." with that, the young Cam Bruggelman pulled himself up, hopped onto a chocobo and rode off. "I'll meet you at the caves!" he yelled back, as if an afterthought.

"Odd kid.." Cordain mused.

* * *

'Odd lady..' the man silently mused. He was hiding in alleyway, watching this strange woman move about. He wore dark gear and dark cloak, which made him look like one of those two imperial loonies up north- the female general, particularly. He also, however, donned dark leather boots, a dark hood, and a black scimitar. The only thing not black that the man had on was a bright blue jewel ring.

The man studied the woman and noticed that she was desperately trying to conceal something strapped to her waist. Before he could depict what it was, though, her eyes began to dart about, and he receded back down the alleyway.

'Ladies around here don't usually come out at night..' he thought. Whoever she was- and whatever she was trying so desperately to conceal- it looked like trouble..

* * *

Cordain looked into the small pool of water that had collected from the ocean. The moon reflected off of its cool, still water. A single drop of rain fell from the black night sky, causing the water to ripple outward from where it impacted.

He shivered involuntarily, then stifled a yawn.

"I'll just lay back awhile.." Cordain laid his blue jacket out on the ground and used his pack as a pillow, carefully taking the Tempest from it.

Cordain quickly fell asleep, the Tempest at his side.

* * *

"Sir Cyan! It looks rather busy down at the imperial base-- could be trouble!" the young man said pointing across the glistening Doma river.

"What?" the older retainer of Doma inquired.

"See? That looks like Prince Sabin of Figaro.. and that's the assassin Shadow. But.. who's that guy- in the mid-winter holiday robes? He's dumping something in the river.. it doesn't look safe.. Sabin and Shadow only have one Templar left.. one of 'em could go stop that guy.."

"Look!" Cyan exclaimed, "Look at the water, sentry --Cordain-- it looks odd.. poison!"

"Cyan! All the other sentries.. they're dying.."

"Our Liege!" they both exclaimed simultaneously.

They both ran down the stairs, into the castle. The king, the royal guards, even Cyan's own family- they were all dead... he watched as Cyan charged into the imperial camp and slaughtered dozens of soldiers, and as Sabin and Shadow finally helped him after standing around unintelligibly, instead of stopping the man with poison wearing tacky clothes.

"How could they? They could of stopped him.. they could of stopped him..."

* * *

Cordain woke up with a start. It was the same painful dream he had every night.

"Why didn't they stop him? Why didn't they stop Kefka?"

"Didn't they?"

Cordain whirled around in surprise. It was Dreyfus. The odd colonel who Cordain knew the best, yet knew the least about, stood quietly, as secretively as when the first met, leaning against a tree. Cordain looked about and saw that the sun was beginning to rise on the horizon, but the moon was still high in the sky.

"What time is it?"

"It's about four in the morning, Cordain. Now, come on. You'll need some rest, and you certainly won't get much out here.."

* * *

A man sprinted stealthily down the streets of Jidoor- through the alleyways and down side streets, into vacant lots and behind dark, sleeping houses. He peered down into one of the main streets and saw a man with a strong air of leadership rush out of a building and proceed to shake a guard awake. "They're coming!" he heard the leader yell.

The man thought for a moment, 'Who's coming? Of course! Sascha and Akfek, those two imperial loonies from up north... I'd better get word to my client.. he'll probably be interested..'

* * *

The Figaran force waited at the entrance to the cave as Dreyfus entered with the dynamite.

Cordain looked up at the morning sky. A black pigeon approached from the west.. 'odd..' It carried a note... 'hmmm... must be from my source..'

The bird swooped down onto Cordain, picked the note off of it, unraveled it, and said aloud, "Goddesses damn! He really has gone too far this time- even the note's black!"

'Cordain Daunkipre-

It has come to my attention that a certain "NEW EMPIRE" has

launched an attack on a certain "RETURNER" base. Odds against the

"RETURNERS" are high.

-End Message'

"Hmmm.. I don't see why I would care, but Dreyfus might be interested..."

Cordain went up to the guard and asked if he could talk to Dreyfus.

The guard glared at him and said, "I've told you already-- NO ONE CAN TALK TO THE COLONEL UNTIL HE IS OUT OF THE CAVES SAFELY AND I SAY 'PUSH'!"

"Did you say push?" Jimmy asked.

"What? No!" the guard exclaimed. But it was too late. An explosion racked the cave and caused the ground to shake violently.

Cordain and the guard both looked into the cave in horror. Gasps were heard from the soldiers lined up around them.

"Colonel Dreyfus?!" the guard yelled. "Colonel Dreyfus?!"

Cordain Chapter 4: Parallel Battles

"Colonel Dreyfus?!" the guard yelled into the cave as the dust cleared.

"Dreyfus?" Cordain yelled, joining in, "Are you all right?" Cordain stared into the cave, straining his eyes. 'He'd better not've kicked the bucket before I collect my pay.'

After a long pause, they heard a cough from inside the cave interior. Then a voice: "Of course I'm all right... Jimmy's not gonna be so lucky, though."

"Say hey, Drey... it wasn't my fault - it was Murphy!" Lieutenant Herringway said, pointing to the guard.

"Shut up, Jimmy... Anyway, I think we should get going. A hole has been blown in - I think it's Sector D6. The enemy camp is about 16 miles from the hole. Let's go."

Dreyfus turned around and was quickly followed by Murphy, Jimmy, and a few ready soldiers. All the other soldiers began to rise as well.

"Dreyfus?" Cordain yelled ahead to the colonel. He couldn't hear. "Oh well, Jidoor can wait..."

* * * *

Cordain saw ahead the hole leading to the blustery, hot, dry, and generally unpleasant desert of Figaro.

"Murphy, you go first," he heard Dreyfus order. "I want you as a scout."

"Yes sir," the guard obeyed, walking out onto the sandy plain. He looked around, turned, and walked out of sight. They then heard a loud scream, and the guard was dead. At that same moment, hundreds of Figaran rebels leapt down from the cliff top above, with swords drawn.

"It's a trap!" Dreyfus exclaimed.

But before they could get out of the cave, the heard a rumbling.

"Cave-in!" Jimmy exclaimed.

The cave ceiling collapsed and came tumbling down toward Cordain. He ducked out of the way just in time, but many of the Figaran guards weren't so lucky. But what was worse was that almost the entire force was cut off from the exit. Jimmy, Dreyfus, Cordain and about a dozen soldiers were all that was left to fight against the rebel force of about 400 soldiers.

They immediately broke into action. Cordian drew his rapier, and lunged forward, impaling a rebel.

Jimmy Herringway leapt into the air, screaming, "Yee-Haw!" and launched bolt after bolt from his autocrossbow, slaying about a dozen soldiers in a fraction of a minute.

'He's good,' Cordain thought, slaying another foe, 'but he couldn't be good enough to kill all these guys... we'll need some more firepower...'

Meanwhile, Dreyfus was pulling his best weapon from his pack. He pulled the string to engage it, and tore through the enemy ranks.

"What the... what is that?" Cordain asked in shock, "Its awfully bloody.."

"It's a chainsaw - who said I couldn't borrow anything from Edgar before I left?"

Cordain smiled and then saw that a bunch of guards were running toward him.

He drew the Tempest, and blew a gust of wind at the approaching rebels. They were momentarily caught off guard, but they regained their footing, and continued steadily toward him.

'Oh great,' he thought. 'Wait... I wonder if...'

Cordain turned the sword of wind downward, into the desert. The gale transformed, as it picked the sand, into a mighty sandstorm, quickly weathering the enemies' defenses down to nothing and blowing them away.

Jimmy Herringway and Dreyfus continued to hack away at the enemies' front forces with the aid of only seven remaining soldiers. "Ten against 350 won't last very long.." Cordain mused.

"That's nine against 349, Cordain," a voice announced from behind him.

Cordain whirled around to see Cam Bruggelman, standing calmly, sword in hand.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"They paid me more, that's what."

"You betrayed us?!"

"You would've done the same thing, though, now wouldn't you? Just like any respectable mercenary..."

"What?! No, I... well, yes."

"See? That wasn't so hard, now was it?"

"No.. not as hard as it will be for you to survive me!" Cordain lunged his rapier at the traitor, who barely dodged.

"Ooh, getting nasty, huh?"

Cordain calmed himself down - enough to show his emotions weren't getting through too much, but still rather angry.

"So what are we going to do - if you don't want to fight?"

"Oh, but I do want to fight - Cordy."

Cordain's eyes darkened. It was becoming more of a battle of wits than one of strength. He wanted to cut the boy down right now, but if the mercenary kid knew so much about Shadow, himself, and all the other mercenaries, then he was bound to have contacts the world over - and if every employer from Jidoor to Thamasa knew he had killed another mercenary in a fit of rage - what would that do to his career.. and his reputation? 'No... I can't let my emotions destroy me...'

Cordain lowered his blade. "I won't kill you... it's not part of my pay.."

"Ahh," Cam noted, "I see you really are a mercenary who has lived up to his reputation of calmness... Now let's see if your sword-fighting reputation is just as well deserved!"

Cam pulled the pin out a strange grenade looking device and disappeared in a puff of smoke. When the smoke cleared, Cam was on top of a large sand dune, and Cordain was confronted with an enormous doberman, snarling and frothing at the mouth.

"Do you like him?" Cam cooed, "He's such a sweet puppy... I named him Interceptor-X after your dear friend Shadow's dog."

The dog charged Cordain, attempting to take a bite out of his side. Cordain dodged, and used the Tempest to blow the dog into a group of nearby soldiers, where he was promptly overpowered by sheer number.

"Good..." Cam said. A smile then came across his face, "Now we shall see how you would do against the other mercenaries!"

The kid leapt forward, launching a bolt edge at an unprepared Cordain.

Cordain was momentarily set aback in the electrical storm that ensued, but reacted just in time to deflect a flurry of tack stars with the strong end of his blade. Any ordinary rapier would've shattered- but the silver blade stood strong.

Cam scowled, but quickly recomponsated by drawing forth on not his own, but the energies of the soldiers - rebel or otherwise - to copy one of Siegfried's Hyperdrives. Cordain was knocked back, into the shifting sands...

* * *

"Hey Drey! I think we should get going!"

"Yeah, I think you're right... two against 320 isn't exactly reassuring odds.." the man began to retreat across the desert sands. Jimmy quickly followed, but then stopped.


"Come on, Jimmy!"

"No, wait - see, look, it's Cordy - I think we should go down and get him!"

"We have no time! Wait..." A black piece of paper had blown against the colonel's leg.

Upon reading it, the Colonel climbed atop a slope and yelled, "Stop!"

"Yeah? And why should we?" a commanding voice demanded. Then a tall, cloaked man came out of the force.

Dreyfus stopped in his tracks, "Impossible - Chancellor?"

Cordain Chapter 5: Fate

"Yes... it's me, Dreyfus. And I am not pleased with what you have been doing, Colonel. You have been very disloyal."

"King Edgar is dead - Sabin is the real king now."

"HA! Sabin gave up the throne years ago!"

"That doesn't matter..."

"Yes it does... he gave up the throne, the only other of the bloodline is dead, so law states that the highest court official shall take the throne - and that's me."

"Hmm... well, if you are the Chancellor, then what happened to you back in Figaro? King Edgar himself killed you."

"You must've been mistaken."

"Jimmy was a sergeant back then. He saw you - the Chancellor - slaughtered. Right, Jimmy?"

"Yep. And it wasn't pretty."

"How do you know that that wasn't somebody else?"

"How many chancellors are there?"

"There must be more than one if this Jimmy is telling the truth, I guess. And maybe he was lying. Nonetheless, I am the king, Colonel Dreyfus."

"You were always so loyal to the royal bloodline before."

"The situation has changed, Colonel."

"Yeah? Well you haven't got the throne yet, Chancellor," he said, drawing his blizzard sword.

"Ha ha ha! How do you expect you and your lieutenant to defeat an entire army?"

Dreyfus and Jimmy looked about in desperation.

"Ha ha ha! You've a plague to me for too long now, Dreyfus. Soldiers! Attack!"

The soldiers didn't budge.

"Go on, you heard me - attack!"

"You're not the man you used to be, Chancellor," a soldier shouted out.

"Yeah, you told us Sabin was dead!"

"What?!" the Chancellor exclaimed. "Don't tell me you're actually listening to these traitors!"

Dreyfus stepped forward. "Your time is up, Chancellor."

The Chacellor scowled, "Grrrrr... well, never mind - you'll never beat me!"

Suddenly, the Chancellor transformed.

"A... hoover?"

"I am more than merely a hoover - I am the SAND WORM!"

The gigantic worm surged out of the sands toward Dreyfus. It was three times as big as a hoover, and twice as big as the legendary ZoneEater. Dreyfus slashed his freezing sword at the beast, but it did very little to slow it down. Dreyfus sighed - There would be only one way to destroy it. Dreyfus threw his off pack, and took out the only device capable of killing the Sand Worm.

* * *

Jimmy Herringway watched in horror as the gigantic worm swallowed Dreyfus whole - then died.

He looked in shock at the dead worm for a full minute, then said, "I guess Drey must've been past his expiration date.."

He rushed over to find an anchor hanging from the worm. "An air anchor..." He picked up Dreyfus's tool filled pack and placed the air anchor in it.

"Well.. he shouted out to the soldiers, "It's off to Figaro, then..."

The group solomnly nodded.

"First, though, we reopen the caves and free the rest of the group. Oh, yeah, and - wait... where is Cordy?"

* * *

Cam Bruggelman chuckled softly. "Mission accomplished. As of now, the Figarans are reunited and heading back home, and Cordain is off to meet his fate..."

Learn more of Cordain's fate in Time 9, Group 9: Alone in Zozo.

Next section (Time 7 Group 11: Soldier and Entertainer)
Table of Contents

Andrew Church (achurch@achurch.org), FF3RPG Archivist