Time 7 Group 9: Beautiful but Deadly

Natasha Chapter 1: Welcome to the Jungle

Natasha opened her eyes. Fog surrounded her. She went for her sword, but it was not there. "Hello?" Natasha yelled, "Is anyone there?"

"Yes," an unknown voice said. "We are here, Natasha."

Natasha spun around to see two people in the shadows. One was male, the other female. "Who are you?" Natasha asked.

"You don't know us?" the voice said, "We were forced to abondon you in Jidoor as a baby."

"Mother? Father?" Natasha asked.

"Yes," the voice said, "We are your parents."

About that time, Natasha woke up. "That dream was weird," she thought as she got up. It was time for her to go to work. The dream stuck in her mind as she grabbed one of her waitress dresses from her closet. She was so confused, she really couldn't tell which one she put on. As normal, she strapped her sword to her back and walked out of the room. Since leaving Jidoor, Natasha has lived in the back room of South Figaro's cafe. The owner, Eric, didn't mind it. He knew that she didn't have anywhere else to go. He was indeed kind to her. "Of course," she thought, "Who wouldn't be kind to me?" It was obvious that she was proud of her looks.

"Good morning, Natasha." Eric said from behind the bar, "Sleep well?"

"Kinda," Natasha smiled, "I had a weird dream, but don't worry about it. I'll live."

"I hope so," Eric laughed, "It won't be easy to replace you."

"Because I'm always quick to serve the tables?" Natasha asked.

"No, because you can really beat the stuffing out of a lot of big guys that I wouldn't dare touch," Eric laughed louder.

"Keep it up," she stared, "and you'll be next!"

The day went on as normal, serving tables and "escorting" some troublemakers out of the tavern. However, Natasha could not shake the dream. It was sticking out in her mind. "Could my parents still be alive?" she thought. Finally, by the end of the day, Natasha knew what had to be done. "Eric," she said, "I need to speak with you in the back."

Eric smiled. "Sure, give me a minute."

Natasha went back to her room and looked around for her treasure chest. In there was what she needed. Some leather armor and all of her money.

"Yeah, Natasha?" Eric said, walking in.

"Eric, I have to go away for a while." she said as she found the chest. "My parents may still be alive and I have got to find them."

"I see," Eric frowned, "There is nothing I can do to stop you. I am really gonna miss your protection around here, but I hope that you reach your goal."

"I will," Natasha said, "I plan on leaving first thing tomorrow."

Eric hugged her. "Well, I wish you the best of luck. Come back to the tavern in one piece."

Natasha raised her fist. "Do you think anyone can beat me?"

Eric laughed, "I guess not."

"Good," she winked at him, "I don't wanna have to prove it to you."

That night, Natasha did not sleep well. Many thoughts ran through her head. Her natural parents, her foster parents in Jidoor, monsters. She was not frightened of getting killed; she could take care of herself. She was mostly scared of being killed alone. She hated to be alone.

Morning came, and as always, Natasha rose with the sun. Not even an hour later, Natasha was walking out of South Figaro with two goals on her mind: "Justice," and "Finding my parents."

Natasha Chapter 2: Dream a Little Dream

Natasha left South Figaro. As she left, many thought she would not come back. The young men grieved. The ladies were glad she was gone. Natasha knew that she wasn't popular with the girls. They all hated her because all the men paid her the most attention instead of them. Of course, who could blame the men? It wasn't an secret that Natasha loved her looks, and wasn't afraid to let others know about it. All in all, Natasha was a harmless flirt. She had never really felt love, and didn't know if she ever would.

As she left, she realized a major problem with her adventure to find the truth about her parents. Figaro was on an ISLAND. How would she cross the seas? She had several ideas. Building a raft was one, but cutting down trees with a thin katana would not only destroy her prized sword, but also take a long time. Figaro Castle could take her, but with no King currently at the castle, she didn't think that the Chancellor would budge. Finally she realized that she would have to find help back in South Figaro.

Natasha laughed as she entered the town. All the men seemed to get happier. She even winked at a few guys, but gave many no looks. She was on a quest and flirting could be done at anytime with any guy. She headed towards the docks.

"What luck," thought Natasha, "there's a boat in dock."

She rushed to the boat. Standing on the deck of the boat looking down was a man who did not look pleasant. His facial flaws were so disgusting, Natasha could barely stand to look at him. His beard was filled with particles of several items from food to salt from the sea. He overly filled his uniform. His pot belly stuck out from underneath a tight shirt that would easily fit Natasha as a night shirt. The rusty sword by his side had stains of blood on it and flaws in it. This man appeared to have been on the seas for a while.

"Good sir," Natasha said, as she got on deck, "I am Natasha Chase. I'm currently on a quest to find my parents and would like to know if you would be kind enough to give me transportation to your next destination."

The man looked at her with a smile, "I am Ruce, Captain of this boat. You wish to go somewhere, hmm?"

"Just wherever you are going," Natasha replied.

Ruce stroked his beard. "OK, this boat leaves for Nikeah tonight."

"So I can come?" Natasha asked.

"Sure," Ruce grined back, "you can come. Let my cabin boy show you to some lodgings for you."

Natasha shook his hand, "Thank you so much, Captain. I will not forget your kindness!"

Ruce winked at her, "See that you don't."

Soon, Natasha was in a private room. The poor cabin boy was a mute boy, who had no where else to do, it was obvious. She felt pity for him. Natasha picked up her sword. A fine weapon. A shop owner in Jidoor had given it to her for her 13th birthday. Many thoughts ran through her head as she looked around the room. Very poor room, to be quite honest. It looked almost as bad as Captain Ruce. She chuckled at the thought of him. He was coming onto her, and she knew it. Like he would stand a chance. Finally, she heard voices, and the anchor come out of the water. She laid in the bed and thought about Nikeah.

* * *

Natasha was surrounded by fog. She didn't know where she was. She grabbed for her sword; it wasn't there. She could hear a deep breathing.

"Who's there?" Natasha yelled. "Show yourself!"

A shadowy figure appeared. "NATASHA CHASE!"

"Who are you?" Natasha snapped.


"NO!" Natasha yelled back. "I am going to find my parents!"


"Your overconfidence is yours!" Natasha shouted.


"What do you mean?" Natasha asked.

The figure laughed at her.

* * *

Natasha woke up. Her sweat was cold as ice and she was trembling. The door to her room slammed shut. Someone was in her room.

"Who's there?" she yelled as she quietly reached for her sword.

No one answered.

"I am a master of the martial arts!" she shouted, "I am not a normal little girl!"

Something jumped on her bed and on top of her. She had to release her sword to get the thing off. It was heavy and had a terrible smell. A couple quick slap shots made it scream in pain and get up. The figure entered the light. It was Captain Ruce.

"Heh heh, you didn't think this trip would be ALL free, did you?" Ruce winked.

"You will stay away from me, or you will never see Nikeah!" Natasha growled.

"That confident, are you?" Ruce laughed, "Let's see if you can teach me some of them martial arts. Heh heh!"

"Gladly," Natasha smiled.

Natasha jumped in the air as Ruce rushed her, she spun around and kicked him in the face while in mid-air. The force of the kick sent him reeling backwards into the wall, destroying a table. His face got red as he rushed again. Natasha again jumped and caught his head between her legs in the air. She used his momentum to backflip and pile-drive his head into the floor. She heard a board crack. Ruce stood up in a daze. Now Natasha stuck her foot right in his face, sending him out of the door and onto the deck. She grabbed her sword and went after him.

On the deck, she saw that she had broken Ruce's nose. His face was covered in blood. The members of the crew stared at both of them. She kicked him over. He was unconcious.

"If anyone else wants to try anything fun," she yelled, "you'll end up like Captain Horny here!"

The crew did nothing. Natasha drew her sword and headed towards the steering wheel. The navigator looked nervous.

She smiled at him. "Don't worry, sweetie, I won't hurt you as long as you do your job."

Natasha Chapter 3: Riddle Me This...

Natasha entered Nikeah with one thought on her mind, the riddle spoken to her by the shadowy figure in her dream: "Go to where a year's creation was destroyed in a day." It played over and over again in her mind. Many things could be destroyed in a day, after a year's work. Everything could be destroyed after a year's work! Her mind rattled on and on, making the riddle out to be more than it really was. Finally she drew the conclusion that a good night's rest would help her. After not getting much sleep at all on that boat, some beauty rest couldn't possibly hurt.

As she entered the inn, Natasha smelled something terrific. The aroma entered her nose. She immediately fell in love with it. It was food. She didn't know what kind, but food was food. She wouldn't dare eat anything on board the ship, but this food she had to have.

"Hello, miss," the innkeeper spoke, "how can I help you today?"

Natasha smiled. "I would like a room, please."

"You really look like a mess," the Innkeeper replied. "For 200 gold I can put you up for the night."

"Gladly," Natasha sighed as she pulled the correct amount from her pouch and handed it to him. Natasha had robbed Captain Ruce blind while he was unconscious. She smiled with a little evil as she thought about it. Easiest 5000 gold she ever made.

"Here's your key," the Innkeeper replied, "Now all I need is your signature right here in the log book."

Natasha was a little annoyed by this, but she knew why all the innkeepers had a log book. Grasping a pen, she neatly signed "Natasha Toni Chase" at the top of a blank page. Innkeepers kept those books to know whom to hold accountable for damage done to the room and such.

"I guess Captain Ruce should have had me sign a log book," Natasha grinned to herself as she walked down the hall to her room.

"Oh, wait," the innkeeper shouted, "If you want something to eat, it should be ready in about ten mintutes or so!"

Natasha smiled and yelled back, "OK, I'll be there."

After opening the door to her room, Natasha fell on her bed. Between that goofy captain and this riddle, she was dead tired, mentally and physcially. She looked at the clock on the wall; it said 6:00pm. She had ten minutes to get ready for some dinner. She lifted the bag that she kept some items in, such as her sword, books on the martial arts and some dresses. Slowly, she removed her leather covering. After being on the sea, the leather did get wet. Getting it off made her feel a thousand times better. Natasha then grabbed one of her neatly pressed and folded dresses, and put it on. She was very comfortable now. Well, maybe not mentally. That riddle still puzzled her. Natasha then washed her face and cleaned up. Nothing too fancy, just enough to make her remember how beautiful she really was. Looking in the mirror on the way to dinner, she winked to herself and said, "You are beautiful."

Natasha entered the dining room, where there were several people around. Many appeared to be travelers, but in this day and time, who could really tell what about anyone? She located an empty table and had a seat. The smell entered her nostrils again. It was a lovely smell. Finally the waiter approached, after what seemed like an eternity but was really only a few minutes.

"What can I get you, ma'am?" the waiter asked politely.

Natasha laughed. "Whatever that is I'm smelling, sweetie. It smells good."

"Well," he replied, "that is our special, the soup."

"I'll have that, and some water to drink, please." She winked at him.

The waiter, who was quite young, swallowed heavily. "Yes, miss, it will be right out." He then scurried of to the kitchen.

Natasha laughed at his walking. Yes, no matter how long she was on a boat, she still had the abilty to make a man feel uncomfortable. She loved to flirt. Not to poke fun at anyone; she just did it. It was part of her personality. There was no doubt in her mind that she could get a man to do just about anything she wanted. Any man, anything. It amused her how much a man would go through to get somewhere with a lady.

The waiter stumbled out of the back with a tray in his right hand. Luckily, nothing spilled. A big bowl of the soup and some water were on the tray. Natasha was ready to dig in to some good food. After two or three days without it, food could really be missed.

"Here you go, miss," the waiter said as he put the tray in front of her, "Can I get you anything else?"

"No, thanks," Natasha grinned at him. She wasn't finished with the young waiter yet. She wanted to see him sweat a little. "But if there is," she added, her smile getting bigger, "I'll as for you personally."

The waiter was really messed up now. He wasn't only sweating; he looked like he needed a nice cold shower. She giggled as he fumbled into the back, quickly followed up by a loud crash.

Natasha dipped her spoon into the soup and started to eat. The smell of the soup did not do it justice. The taste was worth the flirting, if not more. She loved every bite and cleaned the bowl out. The water was also gone. As she finished, the innkeeper walked up to her table.

"Hello, Miss Chase," he said.

"Hello," Natasha replied. "This is great soup."

"Thank you," the innkeeper smiled, "Its my wife's. Uh, you don't have to pay for that, the 200 included dinner and even breakfast tomorrow, if you want it."

Natasha smiled. "If it as half as good as this soup, I will definitely be there!"

"Do you mind if I ask you something?" the innkeeper inquired.

"No, not at all," she said.

"You looked spooked when you came today," he said. "I was wondering what is troubling you."

"Well," Natasha began, "You're gonna think I'm crazy, but I'm looking for my real parents. As a baby, I was left on some family's doorstep or something. Anyway, I've been having dreams about them. Last night, a riddle was posed to me, 'Go to where a year's creation was destroyed in a day.' Then there was a nasty mess with a boat captain, that I would rather not get into, if you don't mind."

"I understand," the innkeeper replied. "But as for your riddle, I think I can help you."

"You can?" Natasha arose.

"Sure," he said, "There is a wise man in Tzen who might be able to help you. His name is Rooks. He's an old man, so this stuff about years and stuff, he'll probablly know."

"Thank you so much!" Natasha shook his hand.

"Don't menchon it." The innkeeper smiled. "It was my pleasure."

Natasha went to sleep that night, with a new thought: Rooks in Tzen.

Natasha Chapter 4: Tzen or BUST!

Natasha left Nikeah the next morning, after having some breakfast. It was great, just like the soup. She would have to remember this place in the future. Or maybe not; if she stayed here, she would get fat quick. Nothing made Natasha laugh harder than a woman who was trying to flirt but didn't have the looks to do it. She didn't want to laugh at herself.

After telling the innkeeper good-bye and packing up all of her things, Natasha started due south. She knew that Tzen was quite far; it would take her a few weeks, assuming nothing slowed her down. Sword drawn, and always ready for anything, Natasha left Narshe.

* * *

Nightfall came, and Natasha had just made it to Tzen... or what was left of Tzen. The town was a shambles; a still-standing wall was a rare sight, with the exception of what seemed to be a few emergency shelters in the center of the town.

There were some people walking around, all looking dejected. When Natasha asked for Rooks, she was wearily pointed toward a small shack set somewhat apart from the shelters. Running in a dead sprint, she reached the shack and banged on its door with both fists. An old man answered.

"You're late," the old man said.

"What?" Natasha replied. "Are you Rooks?"

"Indeed." Rooks opened the door and invited her in. "And you are Natasha. Looking for some information on whereabouts of your parents, right?"

Natasha's mouth dropped. "How did you..."

"I know many things." Rooks laughed. "And I see much. You will find out what you want, for I have seen your destiny."

Natasha smirked. "But I guess you can't tell me."

"No, I cannot," Rooks answered. "All I can really tell you is that you are closer than you think."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Natasha asked.

"I can tell that you think you're not even close." Rooks smiled. "But you are."

Suddenly Rooks grabbed Natasha's arm and turned it up. "Look at the blood in your body. Surely you realized that you are special!"

"No." Natasha looked down. "I am not special. I'm just your typical beautiful town flirt. There are a million of me."

"You are mistaken, Natasha." Rooks patted her on the back. "There is only one Natasha, there is only one of anybody. No two are the same. You are more special that you realize. I figured that you would have found your inner strength. You are indeed strong. I've watched you fight, but your training in the martial arts was not really necessary. You have other abilities that you will find, in time."

"Are you saying I should give up my training?" Natasha asked.

"No," Rooks answered, "Any type of training is excellent. Back in the days of Espers, wizards trained to learn magic, knights trained in swordsmanship. Your training is too well developed to give up. However, in time, you will learn you have another ally, besides your strength, speed and training. That is all I can tell you. I have prepared a room for you to stay the night, if you wish. I suggest you do."

Natasha looked up at him. "I will."

Rooks grabbed his cane. "Good. Here is something you will need to look at."

Rooks pointed to a desk where two maps laid on the top of it. One map was of the world. The other map was unfamilar to her. Natasha looked at it puzzled.

"That is a map of the World of Balance," Rooks said, "Before that fiend Kefka took over the world. You must compare both of them very carefully if you wish to proceed in your quest."

Natasha began to study each of the maps as Rooks showed her to a cot in the back room of the shack.

Natasha Chapter 5: Truth in Another Land

Natasha looked around the rubble of what used to be the beautful town of Tzen. There were remains of houses and things everywhere. She even saw some people, probablly survivors running from place to place, looking for things. She wondered what they could possibly be looking for, but didn't dwell on that topic for too long. Rooks came out of his house, which was now a tent.

"Good morning," Rooks said, "Have you figured out that riddle yet?"

"No," Natasha frowned. "Not yet. I've been watching these poor people."

"Yes," Rooks replied. "They are survivors, looking for things to build with or food. Pay them no attention. With all of the destruction here, you might find some information in your riddle."

"What do you mean?" Natasha asked as she pulled out the two maps, "The only differences I can see in the maps are that a bunch of land is missing and that Eboshi Rock is above water."

"There is something else," Rooks snickered, "Remember the riddle, 'A year's creation destroyed in a day. The two maps..."

Suddenly it hit her like the time she stepped in Chocobo dung while running from Paul when she was little. "Kefka's rule was a year."

"Yes," Rooks smiled.

"So, HIS kingdom was destroyed in a day," she screamed.

"Indeed, it was," Rooks smiled again.

"And the truth of my parents is at the remains of KEFKA'S TOWER!" Natasha yelled happily.

"You finally figured it out," Rooks said with joy. "Now, there you will learn the next step of finding your parents. Don't leave until you have gotten a sign."

"Thank you so much, Rooks." Natasha hugged him. "How can I ever repay you?"

"Think nothing of it." Rooks gasped from the hug. "I will always be here if you ever need me again."

"I will meet you again." Natasha smiled. "I promise."

About ten minutes later, Natasha was heading south, towards the tower that the vile Kefka ruled the world from. Rooks watched her, with a tear in his eye as she left.

"You are strong, young Natasha," Rooks said to himself. "I just hope you are strong enough to live with the truth. Good luck and be careful."

Later that day, Natasha saw the ruins. They were truly a sight to behold. People from all over came and preserved to ruins, to make it a worldly monument. It was the fall of Kefka that overjoyed the world. As she entered the ruins, Natasha didn't quite feel right. Something was strange about this place. Not evil, but not good either. More of a neutral feeling. Neurtal or not, it was indeed powerful.

Natasha throughly searched the ruins, as much as she could. She found nothing of interest. Some old weapons, most of them damaged beyond repair, but there were some that may be worth keeping. In fact, she did take some swords. One was much too awkward for her to use, but it might sell well at a shop. Another sword was too short and stubby to be useful; again, she might be able to raise some gold for it. The third sword she kept was a in remarkable shape, after seeing the all the destruction around. The blade was of a thin, ninja-type, just as hers is. It was black, but shiney. Something about her wanted to hold on to this weapon. She might find some good use for it. Nothing of the other weapons were really worth it.

By the time she finished with the ruins, it was nighttime. Not only was Natasha upset, but she was frustrated. Rooks had told her to come here and she had only found some goofy weapons. However, she calmed herself and looked around. One portion of the ruins looked like it could be used as a shelter for the night. She entered that section through what had once been a window and looked around. Again, nothing of interest caught her eye. Rooks had told her to stay until she found something, though, so Natasha decided to sleep there.

Later that night, as she slept, something appeared before her. It was a glowing orb that did not appear to be of this world. It hovered before her and started to speak.

"Natasha," it said. "Natasha Toni Chase, wake up. I am the reason why you are here."

Natasha awoke from her slumber and started at it, "Wha...what are you?"

"Natasha, I am one of the three Goddesses of Magic," it said.

"Wait. The Goddesses are dead." Natasha rubbed her eyes from the light.

"No, we are not," the Goddess said, "You can never truly kill a god. We just reside in a far-off world, with our Espers. We come and go as we please."

"Then why can anyone use Esper magic anymore?" Natasha asked.

"There are no Espers left in the world," the Goddess said. "So there is no Esper magic. We allow some weaker spells to be learned from time to time, but nothing too powerful. We still control all magic."

"You called me here?" Natasha asked.

"Yes," the Goddess said. "What you saw in your dream was the last physical form I took. I cannot take another form in this world, besides as a spirit, like I am now. I apologize if I frightened you."

"Why did you serve Kefka?" Natasha continued to ask questions.

"As Goddesses, we do not know the differance between right and wrong, good and evil; all we know is that when we were in those statues, Kefka relased our powers, which made him our master," the Goddess replied. "But I am to give you a quest to find your parents."

"Yes." Natasha smiled. "You know of my parents?"

"Indeed." The Goddess laughed. "And if you wish to learn their identities, you will need to do as I tell you."

"Anything," Natasha replied eagerly. "Just tell me!"

"Not so fast," the Goddess said. "You must complete a mission for me. My fellow two Goddesses are also here on this world; however, they have been captured by an unknown force. You must find them and free them. Only then will you know the truth."

"How will you tell me?" Natasha inquired.

"When you save the Goddesses, your questions will be answered in the same way they were presented," the Goddess replied.

"In a dream?" Natasha asked.

"Yes, in a dream," the Goddess said. "You must move quickly, though. If this force keeps them captive, it can open another door to the world where we now live and the madness will start all over again. Please, save your world and the Esper's world before it's too late."

With that sentance, the Goddess disappeared.

"Wait!" Natasha yelled, "Where will I begin? How?"

It was no use. The Goddess was gone and Natasha was still as ignorant on the subject as she was when she came. Tomorrow, she would have to go back to see Rooks. He would know what to do, Natasha hoped...

Natasha Chapter 6: What is an Enigma?

After hearing the message that the Goddess of Magic gave to her, Natasha decided that she should go back to where Tzen once was and consult, once again, with Rooks. He would know what to do, considering that the Goddess had given her no clues on where to find the other two Goddesses being held captive by who-knew-what. She knocked on his door, and once again Rooks answered with the same message.

"You're late," Rooks said.

"Sorry, Rooks," Natasha replied, "Nothing happened until nightfall."

"No matter." Rooks opened the door, inviting her into his cave of rubble. "You did speak with the Goddess, right?"

"Indeed," Natasha answered. "Rooks, if you know so much about my quest already, why didn't you tell me?"

"Would you have believed me?" Rooks asked.

"No," Natasha said with a laugh, "I guess not."

"So you are going to free the Goddesses?" Rooks said as he poured her some hot broth.

"I have to," Natasha answered back.

"That is an interesting sword," he said, pointing to her newly acquired black blade.

"Isn't it?" Natasha smiled. "I found it at the ruins, along with some other junk. But this sword looks fairly new."

"It might be a gift." Rooks laughed.

"It just might be," Natasha replied. "What do I do now, Rooks? She didn't tell me anything, except free the Goddesses."

"And that is what you must do," Rooks explained. "But neither you, I, nor the Goddess know where they are. This evil is something like the world has never seen."

"Greater than Kefka?" Natasha asked.

"Who really knows? Kefka destroyed the world; you can't get much worse than that," Rooks replied. "However, I suggest that you rest on it. I have your bed prepared for the night. Tomarrow you set out wherever you choose."

"You've been very kind to me, Rooks," Natasha smiled. "I'll never forget you."

"You had better not." Rooks laughed. "You might be back here before you know it."

That night, Natasha had another dream. This one was different; she could see where she was. Well, sort of. She didn't recognize it, but she could see rocks and trees, not just fog. Once again, Natasha noticed that she didn't have a sword. A shadowy figure appeared.


"If you are, then tell me where I must begin." Natasha demanded.


"I thought you said it was to be sooner!" Natasha yelled. "What if the Goddesses are not released and this evil opens the gate between worlds?"

"Then... I will rule the world," a voice said from behind her.

Natasha spun around to see another shadowy figure. "Identify yourself!" she yelled.

"THAT IS THE EVIL!" the Goddess said.

"Evil? My fair Goddess, what is so evil about merging the worlds? Everyone will live in peace, and under my control, or they will die. It is that simple. Nothing evil, I just want peace," the figure explained. To Natasha, it continued, "However, you - Natasha Chase, isn't it? I am nothing, but I am everything. Therefore, I can be anything you can dream of. A living puzzle. So you can call me Enigma, okay? I suggest you give up. Just go back to South Figaro and wait tables. I will remember your cooperation when I rule the world. Your parents... that is why you are on this quest. My advice to you is forget them. They will cause you more pain and anguish than you know. In one way or another, we will see each other again, Natasha. Hopefully it will be under peaceful circumstances, I would hate to terminate such a beautiful young woman."

With that, the Enigma disappeared.


Natasha awoke. She couldn't believe the dream. It was so confusing to her. An Enigma. What was an Enigma, anyway?

"Enigma?" Rooks laughed that morning. "You mean to tell me that the Goddesses have been captured by an Enigma?"

"What is an Enigma?" Natasha asked.

"Well, dictionary-wise, an Enigma is a puzzle or riddle," Rooks replied. "But now, I guess this Enigma could be anything."

"Anything." Natasha sighed. "Either way, I've go to go."

"Where?" Rooks asked.

"I don't really know," Natasha said. "I'm going to head to where Jidoor, Zozo and Maranda should be. Three towns on that land mass could really help me."

Rooks smiled, "Then go. Good luck, Natasha. When I see you again, you will know much. Be careful."

Natasha hugged him. "Thanks again."

Ten minutes later, Natasha was leaving town, when she saw something. Acctually it was a someone. The person was quite odd-looking to her. He was all white, including his skin and hair. As they approached each other, they spoke.

"I've never seen a pure albino before," Natasha said.

"Hope I didn't frighten you," the figure replied. "I am Lahndo."

"I am Natasha Chase." She smiled.

"A pleasure to meet you." Lahndo smiled back. "Where are you headed?"

"Albrook," Natasha answered, "I've got some things to attend to in Jidoor."

"Jidoor," Lahndo said. "Interesting. Did you see that lightshow the other night at where Kefka's Tower once was? Something was really going on there."

"I did see it, as a matter of fact." Natasha laughed. "It was amazing."

"Well, I've got to get to where Tzen was so I can look for some friends of mine." Lahndo bowed. "Hope to see you again someday."

"I'm sure we will." Natasha winked. "After all, it's a small world."

Walking away from each other, Natasha wondered why she didn't tell Lahndo the truth about her quest. She wanted to, but didn't. Maybe it was best to keep it a secret until she found some people she knew she could trust. Natasha headed south, to Albrook.

Natasha continues her search in Time 9, Group 6: Royal Descent.

Next section (Time 7 Group 10: Figaran Rebellion)
Table of Contents

Andrew Church (achurch@achurch.org), FF3RPG Archivist