[IRCServices Coding] srvcs 5

v13 at priest.com v13 at priest.com
Sat Dec 15 11:45:47 PST 2001

 A note about callbacks:

Callbacks are nice when someone wants to add another function to services, 
but are no good, when someone wants to extend an existing one. 

I was trying to make nickserv to send one more line for the INFO command.
It is possible to return the line at the begining but not at the end.
I bypassed the strtok() problem, by duplicating the buffer to something like: 
"A INFO nick" and then calling strtok once, for this one. 
This way successive calls to strtok whould return the "INFO nick" part.
But it is not possible to call my function *AFTER* do_info. I tried to 
register my function with a higher priority and then call do_info from my 
function, but it was no good. get_module_symbol() cannot find do_info() 
(neither nickserv() ). I believe this is because of the static decleration of 
the functions.

Using "nm -g" it seems that those functions are not exported from the 
nickserv module. 

Is this going to change, or we should prepare for patching the main services 
code ?
