[IRCServices Coding] NS SET KILL not working?

V13 v13 at it.teithe.gr
Tue Sep 3 13:49:50 PDT 2002

On Tuesday 03 September 2002 22:30, Aragon Gouveia wrote:

> This only applies if the Security option is unset. And as shown below,
> security is set.
> Not sure why it isn't enforcing nick kills. Vax, have you tried changing
> the kill option to quick and/or immediate? (be careful with immediate!!)

	If secure is on:
		(a) If user matches access list, a warning is send without
		saying anything about kill/nick change.
		(b) If user doesn't match access list, a warning is send
		notifying about upcoming kill.

In case of (a):
	There is no timeout. The user will not be enforced but he will never
	be recognized. He will stay unindentified.

In case of (b):
	We all know...

When secure is off, the (a) case will change the user status from
 unidentified to recognized. (Use /ns status to check the current state)

> Aragon

p.s. How are we supposed to reply to this upside down reply-chain without
reordering the mail?