[IRCServices Coding] Guest nick

Andrew Church achurch at achurch.org
Wed Oct 2 09:34:07 PDT 2002

     Guest nicks were changed during the 5.0 alpha stage to start from a
random number; this was done to avoid cases where malicious users would
take the next sequential Guest nick and collide off the nickchanged user
(and themselves escape Services' notice in the process).  The number is
also re-randomized when such an attempted collision is found.

     In any case, Guest nicks are not intended for actual use in chatting;
they are only a placeholder for people who try to use registered nicks and
haven't yet chosen a new one.  (If you, as an oper, need to /msg someone
with such a nick to resolve a problem or such, well, live with it--/query
can be quite helpful here.)

  --Andrew Church
    achurch at achurch.org

>My opers were commenting on how long the numeric is following "Guest" when a
>user is guested... in the old days it was just 5 digits, but i note it's a
>lot more than that now.. makes it tricky to pm people with all them numbers
>Any chance of one or both of two possible things happening?
>1. Can the numeric length be made an option in the conf?  (like
>GuestNumericLength  5  to make it 5 digits or something)
>2. Can someone tell me where I might find this in the source code to change
>it myself?
>Obviously option 1 would be handier, but I'll settle for option 2... Of
>course, I know it's kinda petty, and I'll understand also if nobody wants to
>bother with either solution hehe...
>Anyone know why it IS suddenly so many more digits now?
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