[IRCServices Coding] Mail problem

Ciappei Alessandro (las3r) laser at musichat.net
Thu Apr 10 01:16:22 PDT 2003

Hi all,

I would like change a template of AUTH mail and other.
I chenge it in my language file for test, but services crash when i would 
like register a new nick.

I write a long mail template, where I describe my network and services.

Sorry for my english


Chi riceve il presente  messaggio e` tenuto a verificare se lo stesso non gli
sia pervenuto per  errore.  In tal caso e` pregato di avvisare immediatamente
il mittente  e,  tenuto  conto  delle  responsabilita` connesse  all'indebito
utilizzo e/o  divulgazione  del  messaggio  e/o  delle  informazioni  in esso
contenute,  voglia  cancellare  l'originale  e distruggere  le varie copie  o

The receiver  of this message is required to check if  he/she has received it
erroneously.  If  so,  the  receiver  is  requested to immediately inform the
sender and - in consideration of the responsibilities  arising from undue use
and/or disclosure of the message  and/or  the information contained therein -
destroy the original message and any copy or printout thereof.