[IRCServices] ircservices-4.3.2 released

Jozenobio de Melo Brasil jozeph at globalmedia.com.br
Fri Sep 24 16:01:45 PDT 1999


        Cool, but.... listchans and listnicks don't fixed 100%.
        Look at the problemas exists:

        If you try use ./listchans, and if have a Forbidden chan on list

        It's NORMAL:

[ircadmin at jozeph services]$ ./listchans
Loading database for list...
    #elitecop             EliteIRC® (_Jozeph_)
1 channels registered.
[ircadmin at jozeph services]$

        Now, I go add a Forbidden Channel:

[msg(chanserv)] forbid #beginner
-ChanServ- Channel #beginner is now forbidden.
[msg(operserv)] update
-OperServ- Updating databases.

        And now:

[ircadmin at jozeph services]$ ./listchans
Loading database for list...
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
[ircadmin at jozeph services]$

        Hehehe, Cool... and, look on ./listnicks:

[ircadmin at jozeph services]$ ./listnicks _Jozeph_
Loading database for list...
_Jozeph_ is IRC Administrator
Last seen address: ~ircadmin at
  Time registered: Sep 24 19:13:45 1999 EST
   Last seen time: Sep 24 19:58:28 1999 EST
          Options: , Security
[ircadmin at jozeph services]$

        Why it's don't print "Kill Protection" ?

        Now I desable Kill Protection:

[msg(nickserv)] set _Jozeph_ Kill off
-NickServ- Kill protection is now OFF.
[msg(operserv)] update
-OperServ- Updating databases.

[ircadmin at jozeph services]$ ./listnicks _Jozeph_
Loading database for list...
_Jozeph_ is IRC Administrator
Last seen address: ~ircadmin at
  Time registered: Sep 24 19:13:45 1999 EST
   Last seen time: Sep 24 20:01:10 1999 EST
          Options: Security, Auto Join
[ircadmin at jozeph services]$

I will set NOEXPIRE ON

[ircadmin at jozeph services]$ ./listnicks _Jozeph_
Loading database for list...
_Jozeph_ is IRC Administrator
Last seen address: ~ircadmin at
  Time registered: Sep 24 19:13:45 1999 EST
   Last seen time: Sep 24 20:09:37 1999 EST
          Options: , No Expire
[ircadmin at jozeph services]$

Why it's don't print: Securety, Auto Join, No Expire? :)

[ircadmin at jozeph services]$ ./listnicks _Jozeph_
Loading database for list...
_Jozeph_ is IRC Administrator
Last seen address: ~ircadmin at
  Time registered: Sep 24 19:13:45 1999 EST
   Last seen time: Sep 24 20:11:05 1999 EST
          Options: , Private
[ircadmin at jozeph services]$

Where is the others options? :) 

Thanks for all,
Thanks Andrew! :)

 \|/ --- \|/   | Jozenóbio de Melo Brasil.
  @~/ Oo \~@   | jozeph at globalmedia.com.br
 /_( \__/ )_\  | http://www.globalmedia.com.br/jozeph
    \__U_/     | " Onde a maioria vive com a bondade,
               |  a maldade da minoria tende sempre a desaparecer! "
The box said "Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0, or better", so I installed

On Fri, 24 Sep 1999, Andrew Kempe wrote:

> This is primarily a bug fix version, fixing the listchans and listnicks
> commands. The lack of support for "JOIN 0" has also been addressed.
> <A  HREF="ftp://ender.shadowfire.org/pub/ircservices/ircservices-4.3.2.tar.gz">ftp://ender.shadowfire.org/pub/ircservices/ircservices-4.3.2.tar.gz</A>
> <A  HREF="ftp://ender.shadowfire.org/pub/ircservices/ircservices-4.3.2.diff">ftp://ender.shadowfire.org/pub/ircservices/ircservices-4.3.2.diff</A>
> Mirror: (should be updated by 7am GMT 25/09/99)
> <A  HREF="ftp://ftp.electrocity.com/pub/ircservices/ircservices-4.3.2.tar.gz">ftp://ftp.electrocity.com/pub/ircservices/ircservices-4.3.2.tar.gz</A>
> <A  HREF="ftp://ftp.electrocity.com/pub/ircservices/ircservices-4.3.2.diff">ftp://ftp.electrocity.com/pub/ircservices/ircservices-4.3.2.diff</A>
> Regards, Andrew
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
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