[IRCServices] MD5 encryption

Mircea Damian dmircea at kappa.ro
Tue Oct 5 02:33:29 PDT 1999


Here is a small patch to make encryption work for me:

--- encrypt.c.orig	Wed Jun  2 10:40:05 1999
+++ encrypt.c	Mon Oct  4 20:34:57 1999
@@ -354,6 +354,10 @@
     if (size < 16)
 	return -1;
+    memset(&context, 0, sizeof(context));
+    memset(&digest, 0, sizeof(digest));
     MD5Update(&context, src, len);
     MD5Final(digest, &context);

Without this the password authentification will allways fail because the
variables aren't initialized to 0.

I hope it helps.

Good luck,

Mircea Damian
E-mails: dmircea at kappa.ro, dmircea at roedu.net
WebPage: http://taz.mania.k.ro/~dmircea/