[IRCServices] Services Segfaults when a ChanServ akick enforce is used...

Scott Seufert anarki at flamebait.org
Mon Aug 14 12:14:04 PDT 2000

hi again, 
I have no official word about services ignore, however it was discussed in short with Andrew. 
As far as IRCd that does hosk masking, I have seen an IRCd called Cyclone, yet another older DALnet hybrid, it requires a small patch that from what I have experienced shouldn't interfere with current IRCServices coding. Both the patch and Daemon can be found at ftp://ftp.slashnet.org/pub/cyclone/server/ 
I last applied the Cyclone patch to IRCServices 4.2.4. This version of IRCServices and the diff file are at ftp://ftp.slashnet.org/pub/cyclone/services Slashdot.org uses it on their own IRC Net. 
As always RTFM. 
Happy Chatting, 
Scott Seufert 
aka katsklaw 
Server Administrator 
----- Original Message -----   
From: Ciarán Reilly  
To: ircservices at Delirious.shadowfire.org  
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 9:58 PM 
Subject: Re: [IRCServices] Services Segfaults when a ChanServ akick enforce is used... 

Cheers for everyones time to reply :) 
I'll try upgrading to Services 4.4.5 later tonight and see how it goes. The bugs I mentioned are the only two I've came across, if I get those fixed, I'm happy, I haven't noticed any major problems when using the Services with this ircD...I didn't realise it was unsupported until yesterday or I'd have chose a different one. I realise the IrcD is unsupported, so if it fecks up I've no one but me to blame :( 
As for Bahamut..... unfortunatly, a requirement of any ircD I use is that it must include user hostmasking. Are there any other ircD's which are known to work better than Elite, are compatible with Services, and include hostmasking ? An IrcD change isn't on the cards atm, but will probably be around christmas time..... 
This'll probably sound stupid to you more experienced peeps, but is there any kind of FAQ or discussion board for adding my own code to Services ? ... I'm no expert but I understand the basics of C, and would just like a few pointers as to the best way to modify the services code for certain things.... it wouldn't be anything major.... possibly just altering the way some commands are performed etc. 
Cheers for anyones help, much appreciated by a newbie :-) 
P.s Did the Services ignore function ever get enabled in a later version ? I notice that in operserv.c in version 4.3.3 it's been disabled. Is there any way I can get this working myself ? (if it's not already done in the latest version) as a Services ignore function would be dead handy on my network.