[IRCServices] Desperate Problems

Michael Smith mike at chat.za.net
Wed Oct 11 09:01:09 PDT 2000

the IRCD is stupid, the only time it checks nick integrity is on the /nick

you can use svsnick

I changed a whole channel full of people to have the same name using svsnick

SVSnick is what the services uses to "guest" people


At 04:56 PM 00/10/09 +0100, you wrote:
>Just as a matter of interest, how does this happen ? I didn't think it was
>possible for more than one person to have the same nick....surely the ircd
>wouldn't allow it ?
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Imran Ali Rashid" <u970042 at giki.edu.pk>
>To: <ircservices at Snow.shadowfire.org>
>Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 2:44 PM
>Subject: [IRCServices] Desperate Problems
>> Umm Remember the problems I quoted earlier.
>> When there are more than two netsplits,  as in server B was connected to
>server A, server B splits, connects, splits and
>> then when it connects, services die.
>> This isn't the worst part.
>> When I restart services, on joining as expected, people are told to change
>their nicks, otherwise they will be guested.
>> Guess what. Most nicks are changed to the same Guest nick. See below:
>> [18:30] *** white_jazz is now known as Guest29047169
>> [18:30] *** ``Spades`` is now known as Guest29147169
>> [18:30] *** ABJ is now known as Guest29147169
>> [18:31] *** Daru is now known as Guest48147206
>> [18:31] *** Bad_very_bad_boy is now known as Guest48147206
>> [18:31] *** DiEsEL is now known as Guest48147206
>> [18:31] *** L3pR3cAuN is now known as Guest48047206
>> Please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>> Imran Ali Rashid
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Michael Smith (Warlock on IRC)
 "Do you smell something burning or is it me?"
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