[IRCServices] Ircd's and Services....

Jonathan Morton chromatix at penguinpowered.com
Sat Oct 14 07:56:41 PDT 2000

>    Hi folks, The IRC network I administer has  ceased to operate, it will
>be back in a few months as a fresh newly  designed service, and as such, I
>wanted to completely overhaul my IRC Server. I  have been running
>Services4.4.5 with Elite3.1.1. I know Elite wasn't  supported, but I didnt
>have many problems with it. This time however, I'd  like to iron out
>alllllll the bumps, so I was wondering if anyone can reccomend  some good
>IRCD's, which are compatible with Services, and in addition do the
>following :   User Hostmasking, (A requirement) Wingate / Proxy detection
>(an optional extra, not  needed, but preferred) Any other fancy features
>you care to  mention.   Obviously, the fundamental requirement is that
>they're compatible with Services, anyone got suggestions ?   Also, is
>there any kinda estimated release date for  4.5 ?   Probably a stupid
>qustion, but is Services  compatible with the likes of ConfrenceRoom from
>www.confrenceroom.com, I dunno, the idea  of a multithreaded Ircd
>sometimes appeals to me...   Thanks for your time,   Ciarán.

Unreal IRCd contains all the features you mention, but there have been
stability problems in the past.  Nevertheless, if you are careful about
which versions you use, it seems to be a good choice, although not on the
"official" support list.

You'll need a specially patched version of Services to cope with the
mangled hostnames.  I remember writing such a patch to support Unreal quite
a while ago.  I don't know whether anyone has merged it into any of the
source trees or whether the original patch would be compatible with the
latest versions of Services (should be, or at least easy to figure out).

I don't know what Bahamut's feature list is like, but I would guess it's
the most feature-rich "officially supported" IRCd available.

As for multi-threaded IRCd's, I've never had any experience with them (or
knew they existed, even).

from:     Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
mail:     chromi at cyberspace.org  (not for attachments)
big-mail: chromatix at penguinpowered.com
uni-mail: j.d.morton at lancaster.ac.uk

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