[IRCServices] None

Trevor Talbot quension at softhome.net
Fri Dec 29 18:24:17 PST 2000

Mark wrote:

> I just successfully compiled and installed Services, but when I try and run
> the services, I get an error like:
> [Dec 29 06:31:04.564727 2000] debug: Sent: :Global USER services
> asarian-host.org irc.asarian-host.org :Global Noticer
> [Dec 29 06:31:04.564796 2000] debug: Sent: :Global MODE Global +oi
> [Dec 29 06:31:04.564854 2000] debug: Received: :irc.asarian-host.org 461
> SERVER :Not enough parameters

Services doesn't have support for ircu2.10.x at present, and probably
never will.  The officially supported ircd is bahamut
(http://www.bahamut.net), but support for other ircds already present
(including ircu2.9.x) will not be removed.  I dug the following email
out of the archives, perhaps it will be of use to you.  I suggest
contacting Oliver if you need help with it.

> Subject: [IRCServices] Patch for ircd-2.10.x
>    Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 08:51:27 +0100
>    From: Oliver Maul <Oliver.Maul at 42.nu>

> Hi,
> during the last days I made some changes to ircservices-4.3.3
> related to the irc-protocol of ircd-2.10.x
> You can find the patch on 
> <A  HREF="http://bi.st/ircservices-4.3.3.patch">http://bi.st/ircservices-4.3.3.patch</A>
> The patch includes some other features like a NOAUTOOP-flag
> for nicks or a logging function. But only the en_us language
> file is up to date till now.
> Please contact me if you have any suggestions or find some
> mistakes.
> Oliver

Good luck.

-- Quension

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