[IRCServices] Returned mail: see transcript for details (fwd)

dreamer at darkness.gr dreamer at darkness.gr
Tue Jan 16 16:56:45 PST 2001

Greetings all,
	Testing the lastest ircservices i notice that services crash, in
an update, when they are trying to expire a suspended nick. This happens
when an old db is loaded at the services. Older db's don't have the
structure of the current NickSuspend.

Nick Krassas
Dinos @ darkness.irc.gr

Ps. You might want to fix this

   ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
<andrewk at icon.co.za>
    (reason: 553 <andrewk at icon.co.za>... Virtual User unknown)

   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
... while talking to mx01.icon.co.za.:
>>> RCPT To:<andrewk at icon.co.za>
<<< 553 <andrewk at icon.co.za>... Virtual User unknown
550 5.1.1 <andrewk at icon.co.za>... User unknown