[IRCServices] ChanServ refuses to KEEPTOPIC and TOPICLOCK .

Real RealCFC at ChatFIRST.COM
Sat Jan 20 23:54:01 PST 2001

I dont have a debug log since I didnt compile services to keep that kind of log however my regular services.log file shows a lot of errors like these examples here :

[Jan 20 12:40:42 2001] Services 4.4.8 (compiled for ircd.dal 4.4.15+) starting up

[Jan 20 12:40:43 2001] Databases loaded

[Jan 20 12:40:45 2001] unknown message from server (PROTOCTL NOQUIT TOKEN NICKv2 SJOIN SJOIN2 UMODE2 VL SJ3 NS SJB64)

15:15 2001] unknown message from server (:IRC.ChatFIRST.COM 442 ChanServ #RottweilerChat :You're not on that channel)

NickServ: [Real]!~Ely at host-208-60-254-58.mia.bellsouth.net identified for nick [Real]

[Jan 20 13:17:49 2001] channel: MODE +b ~Ely@*.mia.bellsouth.net for nonexistent channel #UnrealIRCd

[Jan 20 13:17:49 2001] channel: MODE +o [Real] 980014669 for nonexistent channel #UnrealIRCd

[Jan 20 13:18:11 2001] unknown message from server (:IRC.ChatFIRST.COM 442 ChanServ #Testing :You're not on that channel)

[Jan 20 13:18:41 2001] unknown message from server (:IRC.ChatFIRST.COM 442 ChanServ #Testing :You're not on that channel)

[Jan 20 13:18:50 2001] unknown message from server (:IRC.ChatFIRST.COM 442 ChanServ #Testing :You're not on that channel)

15:15 2001] unknown message from server (:IRC.ChatFIRST.COM 442 ChanServ #RottweilerChat :You're not on that channel)

I could however try to compile services again to keep a debug file and then send it to you, Or you can have access to my services so that you can check them yourself if you wish.

Thanks in advance


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