[IRCServices] chanserv voice

David Blanchard dblanch at home.com
Sat Feb 3 15:38:38 PST 2001

if ya look in the source....

    { 'A', CMODE_A },
    { 'z', CMODE_z },
    { 'Q', CMODE_Q },
    { 'K', CMODE_K },
    { 'V', CMODE_V },
    { 'H', CMODE_H },
    { 'C', CMODE_C },
    { 'N', CMODE_N },     <----
    { 'S', CMODE_S },
    { 'G', CMODE_G },     <----
    { 'u', CMODE_u },
    { 'f', CMODE_f },

[18:37] *** ChanServ sets mode: +pntrAGN

works pretty good on my end...


----- Original Message -----
From: "[Real]" <Admin at ChatFIRST.COM>
To: <ircservices at ircservices.za.net>
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: [IRCServices] chanserv voice

> Andrew any ideas if Channel modes like G and N for Unreal will be
> ?
> Im still testing the Pre1 have noticed some minor problems but I'm not
> sure of the problems , so don't want to bug you till Im sure about it.
> Thanks.
> Ely