[IRCServices] services operator bug (4.5pre5)

Josh grenday288 at geocities.com
Sun Feb 11 11:24:33 PST 2001

services operators cant be added because there is no code in 
privlist_add to add serivces_opers...  it always adds them as 

--- ../ircservices-4.5pre5/operserv.c   Thu Feb  8 19:06:30 2001
+++ operserv.c  Sun Feb 11 13:16:30 2001
@@ -590,7 +590,11 @@ static void privlist_add(User *u, int li
     if (list[i] == ni) {
        notice_lang(s_OperServ, u, msgs[MSG_EXISTS], ni->nick);
     } else if (i < max) {
-       services_admins[i] = ni;
+     if (!listid) {
+       services_admins[i] = ni;
+     } else {
+       services_opers[i] = ni;
+     }
        notice_lang(s_OperServ, u, msgs[MSG_ADDED], ni->nick);
        if (readonly)
            notice_lang(s_OperServ, u, READ_ONLY_MODE);

(might not be the greatest code.. but it works)