[IRCServices] nickserv/info - german/language

Scott Grayban sgrayban at borgdrone.net
Thu May 31 10:31:01 PDT 2001

Has anyone noticed that the German language file isnt avaliable in the /nickserv set language ?

also a suggestion for a /nickserv sendpass would really be nice for services admin instead of using getpass
maybe also a setting in the conf file to allow the getpass function to work or not for added secutiy IF SENDPASS is coded in.

also services admin can not see all the nick's info when u type /nickserv info <nick> all
that might be helpful to SA's in determining the user's real IP if they say they forgot there nick password to make sure they are the 'true' owners

Scott Grayban
sgrayban at NOSPAM.borgdrone.net

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