[IRCServices] Some problems and suggestions

• Karel • karel4 at estpak.ee
Tue Jun 5 12:52:00 PDT 2001

 I have connected to server (UltimateIRCd2.8.1 and last version of
ircservices), identified my nick and identified to chanserv too. Someone
banned my site in my channel (just identified for founder-level access
for that channel), sending command to chanserv "unban #mychannel" and
got the answer "**ChanServ** You have been unbanned from #mychannel."
but I am already banned and can't join that channel. Why unban is not
working? Is this normal that being banned the only way I can join my own
channel is using chanserv "invite #mychannel" command? I think that
chanserv unban command must remove all modes in channel that preventing
me from joining my channel (will remove +k +i +b +l and so on) if I have
a founder level in that channel or if channel owner give me an UNBAN
level in that channel.

 Another example (same ircd server and services version). Someone tried
to identify him/her nick to nickserv and failed too much times and now
his nick is suspended. Why services let him use his nick if it is known
that he can't identify his nick anymore even if he now remembered his
nick password? I think operserv would kill him instantly in connection
time, before he joined any channels (like clones kill). Today we will
see that someone joined with suspended nick, his nick will changed after
1 minute to GuestXX and after nick enforcer release time he will get his
nick back, only for one minute again and his nick will changed again to
GuestXX and so on. It's just like a very slow nick flood in channel, i
think operserv kill in connection time will remove this "slow nick
flood" problem. And I want to say in configuration file that nicknames
will be suspended after X failed passwords and channels will be
suspended after Y failed passwords (or channels are never suspended) but
I cant do that. Today I can only say that nicknames and channels are
both suspended after Z failed passwords or they both are never suspended

 And I will be very happy if in the future services versions will be
support for usermode +h (half-op) and I can make for channels half-ops
lists just like a AOP and VOP lists today. And channelmodes +x (no
colors) +S (strip colors) and +f support would be a good idea too :)