[IRCServices] Getting an Old Version

Andrew Church achurch at achurch.org
Thu Jun 7 17:13:02 PDT 2001

>I was wondering if it's possible to get a tar.gz of ircservices-4.5.14. I 
>tried the patches from 4.5.0, but they fail at around 4.5.6. I would really 
>appriciate someone who could help me.

     The patches have been fixed (on ftp.esper.net, they should(*) propogate
to the mirrors soon) so that they properly apply.  Though I'm curious: what
do you need 4.5.14 for?

(*) Assuming the mirror scripts check file size as well as date modified; if
    not, the mirrors will need to be updated by hand, as I've retained the
    dates on the diff.gz files.

  --Andrew Church
    achurch at achurch.org