[IRCServices] Using the IRCservices .diff Files

Pinto, Joao luis (J.M.) jpinto17 at visteon.com
Thu Jul 5 08:56:00 PDT 2001

Just use "patch -p1 < file.diff" beeing on the source root
The patch will not overwrite your changes, because it will first check the
code is as expected on the sections the change is applyed, If it finds
differentes on the code it was expecting it will just reject the diff and
generate a .rej file detailing the failure.

João Pinto
PTlink Coders Team
Lamego at PTlink.net

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevc978 [mailto:Kevc978 at PunkAss.com]
Sent: 05 July 2001 23:20
To: ircservices at ircservices.za.net
Subject: [IRCServices] Using the IRCservices .diff Files


How do i Use The .diff files, and will doign this OverWrite any Previous
Coding/Changes i have done to Services?


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