[IRCServices] channel's last used time

Andy Smith grifferz at blitzed.org
Tue Sep 18 15:28:14 PDT 2001

I am using a fairly old and modified version of ircservices so I
apologise if this is no longer the behaviour of ircservices.  I just
thought I better report it in case it is.

I had a report from a channel founder that his channel had suddenly
ceased to exist.  On further investigation it had apparently
expired, even though people had been using the channel.

I worked it out when I looked at their LEVELS settings.  They don't
like being auto opped, so they had disabled AUTOOP.  When they
needed ops they would just use /msg chanserv op.  However, using
chanserv op does not update the channel's last_used time.  Hence
their channel expired even though they were using it every day.

It did give me a bit of amusement, but whilst disabling autoop like
that is not a popular choice it is a valid one and should not result
in expiration of channel; I made a quick fix by make ci->last_used
get updated every time check_access returns success.

The Blitzed IRC Network, http://www.blitzed.org

<Matt> phil is pickling me up and i'll take him to a pub