[IRCServices] Services with Unreal

Andrew Kempe andrewk at icon.co.za
Tue Oct 23 08:02:00 PDT 2001

Try using IP addresses in the C/N lines:


[my.ip.address.here] must be the IP address to which services is binding.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Drew Dowling" <drewhead at drewhead.org>
To: <ircservices at ircservices.za.net>
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 5:25 AM
Subject: [IRCServices] Services with Unreal

> Hash: SHA1
> Many moons I was happy with ircservices and Unrealircd, until one day my
> hardware failed.  Now that I have rebuilt I'm having a problem.  This
> seems like something that should be obvious to me... but I just don't see
> it.
> I've compiled and instaled Unreal3.1.2 and ircservices-4.5.28 on the same
> box.  The relevant config lines (I believe):
> ircd.conf
> - --
> C:vgap.drewhead.org:XXXXXXXX:services.drewhead.org:6667:50
> N:vgap.drewhead.org:XXXXXXXX:services.drewhead.org::50
> services.conf
> - --
> RemoteServer    vgap.drewhead.org 6667 "XXXXXXXX"
> ServerName      "services.drewhead.org"
> ServerDesc      "Services for Drewhead's VGAP IRC Server"
> ServerNumeric   69
> ServiceUser     "services at vgap.drewhead.org"
> services.log
> - --
> [Oct 22 23:00:08 2001] Services 4.5.28 (compiled for Unreal) starting up
> [Oct 22 23:00:08 2001] Databases loaded
> [Oct 22 23:00:15 2001] unknown message from server (ERROR :No Access (No
> matching N:line) [])
> [Oct 22 23:00:15 2001] unknown message from server (ERROR :Closing Link:
> [] (No matching N:line))
> [Oct 22 23:00:15 2001] Read error from server: Success
> What is it I'm missing?  Besides my old conf files with which I would have
> a road map :(
> - --
>      Drew Dowling               Drewhead          http://www.drewhead.org
>  drewhead at drewhead.org    |                    |    WWW      / \ Alpha Phi
> Concord, North Carolina   |                    |  Nimat     /   \  Gamma
> CLEMSON UNIVERSITY ALUMNI |                    | Apatschin /_____\
>       TIGER BAND!         |      VGAP4 Hosting at http://vgap.drewhead.org
> Comment: Public key available at http://www.drewhead.org
> iD8DBQE71OMN8J7U7yHE638RArmIAJ9Jc1rIeUTXNLEdSX+vosQle89HyQCfW88u
> Tbirm9U3wIuAcB7IkUmvdG4=
> =xMB0
> -----------------------------------------------------------
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