[IRCServices] Mailing List echo....

Mark Hetherington mark at mhetherington.demon.co.uk
Fri Dec 14 17:21:00 PST 2001

> If you're getting double mails, you're subscribed twice.... or
> something is
> very fishy because most of the rest of us are not getting it twice.

Haven't changed anything this end (including personal subscription settings)
for months. I would assume a double subscription would also send me a double
notification in the "monthly" subscription info email, but that has never
happened. Both copies are being sent to the same email address but doesn't
the mailing list software prevent multiple subscriptions from the same email
address anyway?

> The very first post by Andrew about v5 was send to both lists... so make
> sure you're not confused.

I know it was sent to both lists since I actually got 3 copies of the
message (one on coding and 2 on the main list). My coding subscription is
currently on a different email address to the main list. Also, checking the
headers the messages I referred to were all to the ircservices list and not
the coding one. I only indicated that specific message since it represented
the first double email and to check whether anything had been changed
between that message and the last successful single message of Tue 11/12/01
13:57 GMT. So let's rephrase, has anything changed wrt the mailing list
software/configuration between 11 December and 13 December?

I am guessing there is no way for members to the list to see the subscriber
list so it is difficult for me to ascertain what mailman is doing with my
address. Guess I will try unsubscribing and resubscribing see if it helps.
