[IRCServices] Beta services notice

Scott Grayban borg at borgdrone.net
Thu Jan 31 18:30:01 PST 2002

Ok everyone.
I have been bugged to no end on the beta services.
I have everyone's email that wanted to be a beta tester.
Please don't send me 300 more emails asking
the same thing over and over.
That will only cause me to remove your email and
not even think about you.

I have certain critiria for all beta testers so if you arent picked
there was a reason for it so don't take it personal.

I am going as fast as I can but keep in mind that I have
A Real Life and so does CaeSpock.

But if there is anyone out there that has real good C coding
expeirence and has done services coding please by all means
contact either me or CaeSpock "IN EMAIL" not irc or icq or
any other means. We would like to see some sort of code that
you wrote also.


P.S. I have been asked this once already so I will remind everyone
There will be no release of any beta code to anyone except the
beta testers. If you ask the email will be ignored.