[IRCServices] Odd Chanserv behaviour.. And some other thoughts

Andrew Church achurch at achurch.org
Thu Dec 19 05:16:00 PST 2002

>>      Because that way users can spam other users via Services.  This will
>> go into the FAQ (D.3) for the next release.
>Wouldnt it be better to limit the SENDPASS command per nick (like it is done
>also with register)? Lets say for each nick one try per hour ..
>Okay it may take some extra resources in mem and data usage, but the
>flooding/spaming will be solved and users could get their lost/forgotten
>passwords without troubling service admins..

RTFM.  But even if you set NSSendpassDelay/CSSendpassDelay to something
really high, it can still be gotten around:

/nick <random-nick>
/server irc.example.net
/ns register abcde victim at example.com
/ns sendpass
/ns drop abcde

Lather, rinse, and repeat.

  --Andrew Church
    achurch at achurch.org