[IRCServices] Notice regarding Bahamut support

Dmitry Agaphonov rzhe at ircd.ru
Wed Feb 19 10:23:56 PST 2003

On Wed, 19 Feb 2003, Thomas J. [iso-8859-1] Stens?s wrote:

TJS> On Wednesday 19 February 2003 17:13, Russell Garrett wrote:
TJS> > I'll see what I can do with regards to locating this - I have certainly had
TJS> > no problems with 1.4.35, although my network is very small. Still, I have
TJS> > quite a comprehensive test setup. What where the problems? I'll see if I
TJS> > can make a patch.
TJS> Apart from SZline being removed since akills set on *@IP now does the exact
TJS> same thing, there should be no protocol changes which needs supporting by
TJS> services occuring in 1.4.34-3.4.36

As for akills, placing an akill for *@* or similar will not
make the server to add it to its network bans.  So, Services should not
allow such akills now for bahamut based networks.  Also, it would be nice
to add CIDR akills support to Services.

Dmitry Agaphonov