[IRCServices] [v5.0.18] NickServ doesn't kill or change nicknames

Federico Gentile gentfede at pt.lu
Thu May 1 05:49:25 PDT 2003

I'm using IRCServices v5.0.18 with UnrealIRCD v3.2.beta-15 (both compiled
with gcc3) and have the following problem:

If a user connects using a registered nickname, and doesn't identify, then
NickServ gives the warning that the nickname is registered and protected,
but then takes no further action. NSForceNickChange is activated, and the
nickname I use to test it has Quick Kill and Security modes on.

I read the FAQ, the documentation and searched on google but I found

thanks in advance,
Federico (gentfede at pt.lu)

ps: sorry if my English isn't good enough, still learning it :)