[IRCServices] -Global- From Craig: ?

Craig McLure Craig at chatspike.net
Sun Jul 13 20:42:00 PDT 2003

cause when you have been doing just /os global blah for nearly 9 years, its easy to forget.. 

At the end of the day, if needed, i can change it myself.. However, that would loose all support i have with services...

Besides, i cant re-compile services untill the debian 'log' bug has been fixed.

 *     Craig "FrostyCoolSlug" McLure
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 * From    - Justin <Master_Yoer at hotmail.com>
 * To      - IRC Services General Mailing List <ircservices at ircservices.za.net>
 * Sent    - 2003-07-13 @ 20:54:00
 * Subject - Re: [IRCServices] -Global- From Craig: ?

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>Wouldn't it be just as easy to insert your name in the beginning of the
>/os global Justin: Blah!
>-Global- Justin: Blah!
>It would be just as easy to do it that way instead of making it a command.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Craig McLure" <Craig at chatspike.net>
>To: <ircservices at ircservices.za.net>
>Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2003 9:16 PM
>Subject: [IRCServices] -Global- From Craig: ?
>> i dunno about anyone else, but i've often gotten complaints that were sent
>about globals on my network from users.. Globals which other members of
>staff and have nothing to do with me.
>> I was wondering as a feature suggestion, a config option which allows you
>to change the syntax to allow the name of the sender to be put in the
>global.. for example
>> -Global- From Craig: BLAH!
>> -Global- BLAH -- Craig
>> Just so the users know who to go to if they have an enquiry.
>> /****************************************
>>  *     Craig "FrostyCoolSlug" McLure
>>  ****************SpamBox*****************
>>  * InspIRCd   - http://www.inspircd.org
>>  * ChatSpike  - http://www.chatspike.net
>>  * WinBot     - http://www.winbot.co.uk
>>  ****************************************/
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