[IRCServices] [RELEASE] Sendpass With Encrypted Passwords.

Craig McLure Craig at chatspike.net
Thu Mar 25 13:05:00 PST 2004

As promised, i've coded these modules for the community, It will allow users to perform the sendpass command on nicknames and channels.

when the command is issued, Services will send them an email with an 'Authcode' in it, the user must then use the new services command 'reset' (syntax, /msg xserv resetpass <nick/chan> <authcode> <newpass>) and it will set the password for their nick / channel to <newpass>.

Some basic instructions:

Extract the archive to your services source base directory
cd to sendpass-encrypt/

I will not offer support for people that dont RTFM :)

If you have any questions of problems with these modules, i request that you keep it off the services mailing list, and email me directly (Craig at chatspike.net).

Download from: http://www.chatspike.net/modules/sendpass-encrypt.tar.gz

thanks :)

 *     Craig "FrostyCoolSlug" McLure
 * InspIRCd   - http://www.inspircd.org
 * ChatSpike  - http://www.chatspike.net