[IRCServices] Nick change

Andrew Church achurch at achurch.org
Thu Apr 29 09:19:45 PDT 2004

     True, I misread.  Still, I don't see a problem with 60 seconds.  If
you want to keep people from using certain strings in nicks at all (no
grace period), use SQlines instead--forbid/suspend are intended to be used
against particular users, not particular nicknames, and an instant kill
would not be appropriate for another user who just happened to pick the
same nickname.

  --Andrew Church
    achurch at achurch.org

>I think you misread Andy, he said for forbidden and suspended nicknames, although..
>*puts in his 2c*
>I agree with others, there shouldnt need to be a wait, because if you forbid an offencive nickname, and give people some time before it forces a nick change, they can still use that nickname to offend people, which really isnt a good thing.
><insert $2.00 to continue cause i'm poor>
> *     Craig "FrostyCoolSlug" McLure
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> ****************************************/
> * From    - Andrew Church <achurch at achurch.org>
> * To      - ircservices at ircservices.za.net <ircservices at ircservices.za.net>
> * Sent    - 2004-04-28 22:52:09
> * Subject - Re: [IRCServices] Nick change
> ****************************************/
>/****** - Begin Original Message - ******/
>>>Can i set how many seconds services must wait before
>>>force nick change or kill the user if he using a
>>>forbidden or a suspended nickname? If i cant change
>>>the time, a feature like this may be added on ircservices?
>>     I think the current values of 60 and 20 seconds are reasonable.  What
>>reason would you have for changing them?
>>  --Andrew Church
>>    achurch at achurch.org
>>    http://achurch.org/
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