[IRCServices] Feature Request

youph at earthlink.net youph at earthlink.net
Fri Jan 7 00:43:56 PST 2005

Hi. I just subscribed to the list so I'm not sure if this has been asked 
before (though I doubt it as it's kind of an esoteric request.)

Anyway, I need a way to register nicknames in NickServ by a third party 
(this would be done via a bot with Services Admin privledges) with only 
an MD5 hash of their password. I'm trying to automate a registration 
process from a message board program and the only way to really keep 
security tight would be to pass the MD5 hashed password of the user to 
the IRC nick registering script (which launches a bot to register a nick 
on IRC.)

I know I can edit the XML dbs, but I'm under the impression this 
requires shutting down/restatring services and obviously this isn't an 
option for a production network.

Appologies if I'm an idiot and this can be done already, so if it can, 
please pray tell!

Otherwise, I think adding a simple parameter to the /nickserv register 
command specifying the password used is already an MD5 hash would be a 
great (and seemingly simple) feature.

