[IRCServices] operserv/akill: BUG: (cancel_akill) Missing @ in mask: *

Andrew Church achurch at achurch.org
Thu Mar 31 18:29:59 PST 2005

>[Mar 09 17:33:45.183279 2005] debug: Sent: :services.turkirc.org TKL - G =
>* pc-010.diamond.vaslui.rdsnet.ro services.turkirc.o$
>[Mar 09 17:33:45.183480 2005] debug: Sent: :services.turkirc.org TKL - G =
>* services.turkirc.org
>[Mar 09 17:33:45.183638 2005] operserv/akill: BUG: (cancel_akill) =
>Missing @ in mask: *
>[Mar 09 17:33:45.184189 2005] PANIC! signal 6 (no buffer)

     I can't reproduce this.  There shouldn't be any way to get an autokill
of "*" into the database anyway, unless you imported databases from another
program (and convert-db should check for this as well, but that's a separate
issue).  Have you modified Services, or are you using third-party modules?
If not, I'll need a backtrace (see FAQ Z.3.5) to try and find this.

  --Andrew Church
    achurch at achurch.org