[IRCServices] EnableAnopeWorkaround doesn't work with db imported from anope-1.7.18 using enc_old

Pierre Fagrell pierre at fagrell.net
Thu Oct 11 08:41:05 PDT 2007


I'm currently running anope-1.7.18 which was earlier upgraded from an older version with the broken md5 encryption.
In order to use the old db in the new anope I use the enc_old option and that works fine.

No I want to migrate this database to ircservices but I can't get it to recognize the passwords. I made two example users for a test:

in anope I register two users:
nick 'test1', with password 'password1'
nick 'test2', with password 'password2'

Then I update the database, and run the converter on my anope db
./convert-db +anope /usr/home/ircd/anopemeck/services/ > converted.xml


the generated xml contains passwords for the users like above
I import it into ircservices
./ircservices -import=/usr/home/ircd/ircservices/lib/ircservices/converted.xml

Now if I try to identify as one of the users, I get -NickServ- Password incorrect.

My anope conf has:
#     Previous (broken) MD5     -  enc_old
EncModule "enc_old"

Module encryption/md5

EncryptionType  md5

If you need more information please let me know


Pierre Fagrell