[IRCServices] Kick war with ChanServ, for the 135175631861th time..

Robin Burchell robin at en2no.com
Thu Feb 7 15:00:00 PST 2008

Has anything happened on this? I've had it recur several times now,
and seem to (unfortunately) be able to reproduce it at will on our
live network, complete with debug logging now.

 [Feb 07 22:51:11.431779 2008] debug: Received: :w00t JOIN #helpers 1190456995
 [Feb 07 22:51:11.432490 2008] debug: w00t joins #helpers
 [Feb 07 22:51:11.432723 2008] chanserv/main: debug: AutoKicking
w00t!w00t at xxxxxxxx
 [Feb 07 22:51:11.433734 2008] debug: Sent: :ChanServ KICK #helpers
w00t :You are not permitted to be on this channel.
 [Feb 07 22:51:12.220542 2008] debug: Received: :w00t JOIN #helpers 1190456995
 [Feb 07 22:51:12.221316 2008] debug: w00t joins #helpers
 [Feb 07 22:51:12.221621 2008] chanserv/main: debug: AutoKicking
w00t!w00t at xxxxxxxx
 [Feb 07 22:51:12.222543 2008] debug: Sent: :ChanServ KICK #helpers
w00t :You are not permitted to be on this channel.
 [Feb 07 22:51:13.719754 2008] debug: Received: :w00t JOIN #helpers 1190456995
 [Feb 07 22:51:13.720357 2008] debug: w00t joins #helpers
 [Feb 07 22:51:13.720755 2008] chanserv/main: debug: AutoKicking
w00t!w00t at xxxxxxxx
 [Feb 07 22:51:13.721859 2008] debug: Sent: :ChanServ KICK #helpers
w00t :You are not permitted to be on this channel.

(excuse host censorship).

Of course, as always, NO bans, exempts or invites that can match me
are set on the channel.

In-channel log:
22:51 -!- w00t [w00t at ChatSpike-6e468d22.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #helpers
22:51 -!- w00t was kicked from #helpers by ChanServ [You are not
permitted to be on this channel.]
22:51 -!- w00t [w00t at ChatSpike-6e468d22.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #helpers
22:51 -!- w00t was kicked from #helpers by ChanServ [You are not
permitted to be on this channel.]
22:51 -!- w00t [w00t at ChatSpike-6e468d22.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #helpers
22:51 -!- w00t was kicked from #helpers by ChanServ [You are not
permitted to be on this channel.]
22:51 -!- w00t [w00t at ChatSpike-6e468d22.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #helpers
22:51 -!- w00t was kicked from #helpers by ChanServ [You are not
permitted to be on this channel.]

22:53 -!- #helpers: ban exception *!*@herring.chatspike.net [by Om,
8293226 secs ago]
22:53 -!- #helpers: ban exception *!*@helper.chatspike.net [by Om,
8293231 secs ago]
22:53 -!- #helpers: ban exception *!*@tortoisegod.chatspike.net [by
Om, 8293236 secs ago]
22:53 -!- #helpers End of Channel Exception List
22:53 -!- #helpers End of Channel Invite Exception List
22:53 -!- #helpers End of channel ban list

On a related note, what is the point of kicking a user who is exempt
from banning, seeing as they would just get into this endless loop
situation anyway?

On Jan 6, 2008 12:05 AM, Robin Burchell <robin at en2no.com> wrote:
> No +I masks, three +e masks are set, neither of which match me..
> #helpers *!*@herring.chatspike.net set by Om (Sat Nov 03 23:13:31)
> #helpers *!*@helper.chatspike.net set by Om (Sat Nov 03 23:13:27)
> #helpers *!*@tortoisegod.chatspike.net set by Om (Sat Nov 03 23:13:21)
> #helpers End of Channel Exception List
> -
> #helpers End of Channel Invite Exception List
> w00t is w00t at globop.chatspike.net * Master of all trades; jack of none
> <- being me.
> Explicit invite - (as in /invite?) - aren't used on that channel. It's
> also perhaps worthy of note that /invite only overrides ban on some
> software.
> I imagine the problem was caused as some IRCds will propegate the ban
> anyway (no duplicates checking) from a server to server link, so I
> guess that could be construed as a problem of sorts, though not a
> major one.
> Given the infrequency of this problem, I don't mind waiting until the
> list archives are back up for you to check, by all means. :)
> On Jan 5, 2008 11:52 PM, Andrew Church <achurch at achurch.org> wrote:
> > >I understand it must be frustrating to have an issue like this that's
> > >so hard to track down, but it is equally frustrating to get bit in the
> > >ass by it. Isn't it wise to assume that if they are joining an
> > >existing channel that a ban matching them doesn't exist anyway
> > >(otherwise how are they joining?)
> >
> > +e, +I, explicit INVITE, possibly other methods.  Originally, I didn't
> > bother checking for the ban, but apparently it caused a problem, because
> > I added the check in 4.5pre0:
> >
> > 2001/01/11      Fixed duplicate adding of bans when auto-kicking a user
> >                     from a channel.  Reported by James <daemus at evilcode.com>
> > --- chanserv.c  11 Jan 2001 00:03:56 -0000      1.10
> > +++ chanserv.c  11 Jan 2001 04:29:13 -0000      1.11
> > @@ -670,10 +670,13 @@
> >  #else
> >      }
> >  #endif
> > -    av[1] = "+b";
> > -    av[2] = mask;
> > -    send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE %s +b %s %lu", chan, mask, time(NULL));
> > -    do_cmode(s_ChanServ, 3, av);
> > +    /* Apparently invites can get around bans, so check for ban first */
> > +    if (!chan_has_ban(mask)) {
> > +       av[1] = "+b";
> > +       av[2] = mask;
> > +       send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "MODE %s +b %s %lu", chan, mask, time(NULL));
> > +       do_cmode(s_ChanServ, 3, av);
> > +    }
> >      free(mask);
> >      send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "KICK %s %s :%s", chan, user->nick, reason);
> >      if (stay) {
> >
> > The list archives are down at the moment, so I can't check exactly what
> > the problem was, whether it was a serious issue or just cosmetic; I'm
> > hesitant to remove the check without knowing more.  (Of course, you're
> > welcome to try removing it yourself and seeing what happens.)
> >
> >
> >   --Andrew Church
> >     achurch at achurch.org
> >     http://achurch.org/
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------
> > To unsubscribe or change your subscription options, visit:
> > http://lists.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices
> >
> --
> Robin Burchell
> mob: +447702671419
> msn: msn at viroteck.net
> web: http://www.en2no.com

Robin Burchell
mob: +447702671419
msn: msn at viroteck.net