[IRCServices Coding] akills

Andrew Church achurch at achurch.org
Mon Dec 17 23:29:46 PST 2001

>	if (expires>now)
>	{
>		expires-=now;
>		if (expires>=86400)
>			expires=86399;
>	}

     I see someone hasn't read the coding guidelines...

>This way akills for 5 days, will be send up to 5 times on each server 
>(Removed after 86399 seconds and send again when a matching user tries ti
> use 
>the server). This should not add much overhead and non-expiring akills wi
>not be affected.

     I don't see why this is needed.  The autokills-don't-disappear-if-
server-is-split problem existed before the AKILL message got an expiry
time, and it was always solved by rehashing; I don't see why the same
approach can't be used with Bahamut as well.  IMNSHO, I think the current
(if that's current) behavior of Bahamut is buggy; since when does "one day
or more" equal "forever"?

  --Andrew Church
    achurch at achurch.org