[IRCServices Coding] raw commands

Jonathan Morton chromi at cyberspace.org
Sun Dec 23 20:22:16 PST 2001

>just wanted to know if there is a list of commands and their 
>discriptions somewhere?
>also want to know what command to use to bring in a fake user.

Consult your IRCd's documentation.  Commands available via RAW are 
not under Services' control and can cause major problems.

from:     Jonathan "Chromatix" Morton
mail:     chromi at cyberspace.org  (not for attachments)
website:  http://www.chromatix.uklinux.net/vnc/
geekcode: GCS$/E dpu(!) s:- a20 C+++ UL++ P L+++ E W+ N- o? K? w--- O-- M++$
           V? PS PE- Y+ PGP++ t- 5- X- R !tv b++ DI+++ D G e+ h+ r++ y+(*)
tagline:  The key to knowledge is not to rely on people to teach you it.