[IRCServices Coding] Services 5.0 alpha 20 Segfault Bug with /cs info #channel

Mark Hetherington mark at mhetherington.demon.co.uk
Fri Feb 8 16:03:03 PST 2002

A channel which was suspended tonight on Services 5.0a20 produces the
following in response to /cs info #bots by a user who is not registered with

PANIC! buffer = :testing PRIVMSG ChanServ at services.ctcp.net :info #bots
Services terminating: Segmentation fault

Such a user gets the following text before the segfault:

-ChanServ-         Founder: Mark
-ChanServ-     Description: Bots
-ChanServ-      Registered: Oct 29 00:33:05 2000 BST
-ChanServ-       Last used: Feb 08 23:23:03 2002 GMT

This has also happened with channels which are not suspended:

PANIC! buffer = :testing PRIVMSG ChanServ at services.ctcp.net :info #trivia
Services terminating: Segmentation fault

in which case the user sees:

-ChanServ-         Founder: Mark
-ChanServ-     Description: Trivia Channel
-ChanServ-      Registered: Feb 16 23:14:55 2001 GMT
-ChanServ-       Last used: Dec 06 00:05:32 2001 GMT
-ChanServ-      Last topic: Trivial Pursuit -  join and type 'tt help' for
more info
-ChanServ-    Topic set by: M

This channel was ot in use at the time.

However, another channel which is not susupended and is in use produces:

PANIC! buffer = :testing PRIVMSG ChanServ at services.ctcp.net :info #opers
Services terminating: Segmentation fault

-ChanServ- Information for channel #opers:
-ChanServ-         Founder: Mark
-ChanServ-     Description: Help Channel
-ChanServ-      Registered: Sep 25 23:30:11 2000 BST
-ChanServ-       Last used: Feb 08 21:38:22 2002 GMT
-ChanServ-      Last topic: Help channel
-ChanServ-    Topic set by: M

The crash appears to happen around where Options and/or Mode lock should be
printed so I assume it is specific options which cause the crash.
