[IRCServices Coding] segmentation faults - ircservices 5.0a26

Andrew Church achurch at achurch.org
Mon Apr 1 15:41:38 PST 2002

>>      Fixed, thanks.
>That's good but I would like to have the next release. Can you tell me when
>will it be downloadable? Thank you!

     When I release a new alpha, whenever that is.  In the meantime, apply
this patch:

--- misc.c	27 Mar 2002 12:28:25 -0000	2.17
+++ misc.c	1 Apr 2002 02:28:15 -0000	2.18
@@ -213,8 +213,10 @@
 char *strtok_remaining(void)
     char *s = strtok(NULL, "");
-    while (isspace(*s))
-	s++;
+    if (s) {
+	while (isspace(*s))
+	    s++;
+    }
     return s;

  --Andrew Church
    achurch at achurch.org