[IRCServices Coding] ircservices5.0a28 various

Romek Krisztián r-krisztian at softhome.net
Thu Apr 11 21:33:09 PDT 2002

Sorry, I was wrong, the real message is the following and the version is
Unreal 3.2beta9

I think it's not going to be a services problem...

*** Checking ident...
*** Couldn't resolve your hostname; using your IP address instead
*** Received identd response

# ./ircservices
I have a warning message:

*** Global -- from OperServ: WARNING: Client IP addresses are not available
with this IRC server; SZLINEs cannot be used unless ImmediatelySendSline is
enabled in modules.conf.

How can I solves this? Enable ImmediatelySendSline?

----- Original Message -----
From: Andrew Church <achurch at achurch.org>
To: <ircservices-coding at ircservices.za.net>
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 4:16 AM
Subject: Re: [IRCServices Coding] ircservices5.0a28 various

> >About hostnames I have also a notice ignoring problem on on Unreal IRCd
> >protocol, because my services gives a warning that services can't get IP
> >address from hostnames. If I'm right, it's because of hidden hostnames,
> >dunno.
>      I wasn't aware Unreal sent IP addresses in the first place; I haven't
> seen these warnings (Unreal 3.1.whatever).
>   --Andrew Church
>     achurch at achurch.org
>     http://achurch.org/
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