[IRCServices Coding] Feature Request

Ekim Engin eengin at talesoft.de
Tue Apr 23 18:16:26 PDT 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ircservices-coding-admin at ircservices.za.net 
> [mailto:ircservices-coding-admin at ircservices.za.net] On 
> Behalf Of Tom Moyer
> Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 3:11 AM
> To: ircservices-coding at ircservices.za.net
> Subject: [IRCServices Coding] Feature Request
> here is another one... I know unreal has Proxy checking, but 
> it dosent work
> half the time due to Operating system conflicts. Some shells 
> it works with
> some it dosent. Can this be intergrated in to services?

I would say: It can, but wont as it has nothig to do with services at

There are enought third Party tools which provide this feature

Ekim Engin

| Talesin aka Ekim Engin | ircadmin at ttnet.net.tr  |
|   IRC Administration   | http://www.ttchat.net  |
| TTNet Network (Turkey) | irc://irc.ttnet.net.tr |
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