[IRCServices Coding] Remote Commands

MaNUaL 3000 manual3000 at hotmail.com
Wed May 15 13:28:10 PDT 2002

Well i dont think a botserv will be good. Epona services have one but 
consider the following..:

1. why to have this feature when it is easier to make and run an eggdrop? 
(no help files for the services etc etc)

2. The services in large networks with thousands of users and channels will 
become heavy. just consider the cpu cycles ,the ram and the hard disc space 
that a botserv would assign for itself.

3. if a botserv exists there should be a feature that would prevent flooding 
for this commands (so more cpu cycles to check for flooding in every 

Thats only my opinion..


>lol, amazing answers there from Andrew.. accurate, and to the point!
>but, me and a few of my opers are working on a "BotServ" Module, which 
> >will allow commands like this... will keep you all informed! :)

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