[IRCServices Coding] Services 5.0a33 Bug?!

Panagiotis Kefalidis ( Gizm0 ) gizm0 at mail.gr
Sat May 18 14:52:36 PDT 2002

Óôßò Fri, 17 May 2002 22:23:56 -0400 (EDT) "Marc-Andre A. Fuentes" Ýãñáøå:

> From services.log:
> [May 17 22:10:50 2002] IRC Services 5.0a33 starting up
> [May 17 22:15:45 2002] protocol/bahamut: sjoin: SJOIN to channel
> #chile for non-existent nick PsYcHoPaT (1021688148 #chile +)
> [May 17 22:19:58 2002] nickserv/main: user record for PsYcHoPaT not found
> [May 17 22:20:03 2002] nickserv/main: user record for PsYcHoPaT not found
> [May 17 22:20:40 2002] nickserv/main: user record for wert5 not found
> [May 17 22:20:48 2002] nickserv/main: user record for wert5 not found
> From IRC:
> -irc.psychopat.org- *** Routing -- from irc.psychopat.org: Link
> with services.psychopat.org[(+)nothing at] established: ULined TS
> link
> -irc.psychopat.org- *** Notice -- Nick Collision on
> OperServ(services.psychopat.org(NOUSER) <-
> OperServ!services at psychopat.org)(TS:services.psychopat.org)
> -irc.psychopat.org- *** Notice -- Nick Collision on
> Global(services.psychopat.org(NOUSER) <-
> Global!services at psychopat.org)(TS:services.psychopat.org)
> Version:
> bahamut(pelennor)-1.4(08). irc.psychopat.org CHiI TS3ow-r[RELEASE]
> parameters wrongs ?!
add a q:line to all services nicknames to avoid such phainomenon.

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