[IRCServices Coding] NickServ SET URL bug
Romek Krisztián
r-krisztian at softhome.net
Sun Jun 2 21:21:37 PDT 2002
I has already found the problem and told Andrew to fix it.
Romek Krisztian
2002. június 3. 01:45 dátummal Martin Pels ezt írta:
> [01:42] -> *nickserv* set url http://nightspirit.nl:10000
> -
> [01:42] -NickServ- URLs must be in the form http://hostname[:port]/... (or
> ftp://, etc.).
> Looks like it doesnt like the port..
> Greetz,
> Martin
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Romek Krisztián
r-krisztian at softhome.net