[IRCServices Coding] hybserv

Russ Garrett rg at tcslon.com
Sun Jul 7 02:18:42 PDT 2002

> i know i've asked that b4 but i don't think i got any reply:
> is there (or will there b) any way 2 convert hybserv db?

You got no reply because it's a RTFM question. The manual is there, use it.
Services supports convert and import for the following services (and close

Auspice Services  2.5.x
Daylight 12
Epona IRC Services  1.3.0 and later
Internet Relay Chat Services (IRCS) 1.2, 1.3
Magick IRC Services (Magick I)  1.4
PTlink Services 2.13.0 and later
SirvNET Services  All versions
trircd IRC Services 4.26
WreckedNet IRC Services 1.2.0

I doubt there will be support for them written in the future unless someone
submits a patch supporting them.

Russ Garrett
russ at garrett.co.uk.