[IRCServices Coding] chanserv suggestion
Aragon Gouveia
aragon at phat.za.net
Tue Jul 23 13:57:24 PDT 2002
Yes, I think that's an excellent idea.
| By MaNUaL 3000 <manual3000 at hotmail.com>
| [ 2002-07-23 22:21 +0200 ]
> Hi. I have the following suggestion.
> In /cs access #channel list you can only list a given nickname , all the
> list or access entries by number.
> I think it would be usefull if you could perform a list depending on the
> level of the access a user has(especiallu when the acc list is full of
> names).
> For example if 5 users have access 500 you could perform a command like:
> /cs access #channel listacc 500 and that should return the 5 nicks with
> 500 level of access.
> Sorry for my poor english.
> Thanks, and keep up the good work people.
> MaNUaL , Greece