[IRCServices Coding] Bug (misfeature maybe)

RT.Mail at verizon.net RT.Mail at verizon.net
Sun Jul 28 04:10:56 PDT 2002

Im sorry if it sounded like I was saying that his problem was 
nothing. I remembered something was said about it before... couldnt 
recall exactly what.... As it was stated later it was something 
andrew felt wasnt a problem in a previos discussion. I was just 
trying to give him another way to do it.  Is

< >On Sun, 28 Jul 2002 12:03:54 +0100, Craig McLure wrote:
< > I dunno about you.. but i have this small problem with people
< > saying "It
< > doesnt happen" If some1 is having a problem with it..
< > As far as i see i see it.. its kinda like watching a pantomime:
< > 
< > "Oh no it doesnt..."
< > "Oh yes it does!!!"
< > "Oh no it doesnt..."
< > "Oh yes it does!!!"
< > 
< > If some1 is having problems with it.. it obviously exists.. on
< > his
< > configuration at least. And we should more or less find some way
< > to solve
< > it?
< > 
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