[IRCServices Coding] Question about NSNoAuthExpire

David Orman monolith at orblivion.com
Wed Jul 31 10:14:32 PDT 2002


I've got NSNoAuthExpire set to 1m right now, and have tested this multiple
times with different users, so I know it is consistantly happening. When a
user registers a nickname (authorization _is_ required, this has been
tested and is functioning, the user cannot ident until auth'd, and authing
does allow the user to ident), if he/she does not auth to the nickname
within the 1m, it still is not expiring the nickname. I registered (but
did not auth) a nickname about an hour ago, it's still registered (but
reporting unauthed). With NSNoAuthExpire set to 1m, shouldn't it have been
de-registered by now? Curious if I'm doing something wrong, or if it's a
possible bug/lack of implimentation.

David Orman

PS - This is with pre6, the July 28 release, and my IRCD is Unreal

David Orman
monolith at orblivion.com